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I wonder what my blog followers think about

Chiefs Convert


Easter candy. Way overrated in my opinion. The few stars for this candy season are 

  1. Cadbury Mini Eggs 
  2.  Starbusrt Jellybeans

Vastly overrated candies include:

  1. Cadburry Creme Eggs
  2. Other Jelly Beans
  3. Recee's peanut butter eggs. The cups are a perfect ration. all other form factors can get lost
  4. Hollow bunnies

Thoughts, @reesebobby?

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Easter candy is overrated across the board.  

Except the reese's eggs.  The only problem with them is the very fragile foil wrapper.  

Peeps are god awful.  Worst holiday candy ever.

Hollow bunnies are basically a metaphor for life.  Exciting at first and then a huge disappointment when you realize what it really is.  

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