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  1. Today
  2. KC offense is ideal for Hunt. He did the best he can in Cleveland. Last season, he was playing through a core muscle injury. If he shows 70-80% of 2017-18 Kareem Hunt, he'll be problem and that's not good news for Steele and Perine. Other than speed, Pacheco's talent isn't better than Hunt's. Hunt has better vision, setting up blocks (patience), a better pass catcher, contact balance, breaks more tackles, forces way more missed tackles (elusiveness), and probably has a slight edge in pass pro. CEH isn't as good as Hunt. Plus, he's unreliable at this point because of his ongoing health issues and mental health which makes his availability questionable. He can be the odd man out when he comes of NFI if Hunt starts to show out.
  3. I’ve attended four Chiefs games in person. The Chiefs are 0-4 in those games. I am attending this game in person. Blame me if they lose.
  4. Yesterday
  5. After his first season he has disappointed since. Maybe Cousins can get more out of him this year?
  6. That's actually where I would be. Age 40 is closer.
  7. This^^^ Spags might wanna have a gameplan for one Mr. Kyle Pitts. He is much better than Likely and Gosecki...
  8. LT and I would love to get a stud DT next to CJ. The line is good but a better DT would do wonders for us too.
  9. I 100% agree with you that LT is the biggest problem at this moment. Hands down.
  10. but how many years ago was that? The reason I ask was I had a shoulder replacement 10 years ago and the other shoulder just 10 weeks ago the difference in recovery time has been mind blowing. IF what you, Bil and Andy have alluded to as a possibility these cast of RB characters will not be getting us to the promised land unless we caught lightning in a bottle with Hunt or Perine..a trade will be in order. That being said I think the LT issue is more pressing with the pass rush studs up coming this season it like a Murders Row.
  11. I think Reid is trying to bring him on slowly and keep him healthy at the same time. LOL. No routes across the middle of the field, screens or anything that puts him in jeopardy of getting hit by LBs or Defensive Linemen...
  12. Yup, great point about Priest. I think Hunt will share the load with Steele/Ingram. I like Steele, I think he can be just as, if not more effective as Pop. I do not know his blocking skills or catching skills and that will matter. I played RB in high school/college and retired as a High School Football coach (defensive side) and I've never been impressed with Pop's patience or vision. I think a combo of Steele/Hunt/Perine should get them by. By the way, I broke my fibilia and it took over 6 months for me to back to 100%. I was 23. I really don't think Pop will be back this year either...
  13. I think Priest is a little different in that even though he was 28, he only had 459 NFL carries at that age. Kareem has more than twice that. Also, as a personal observation, Priest seemed to care more about his body and the game of football than Kareem. I think it's a good pickup, but I have fairly low expectations and hope to be pleasantly surprised.
  14. I read a good point that Priest Holmes was 28 when he joined the Chiefs. The Chiefs got three excellent years out of him; I don't see why they couldn't get a decent one out of Kareem Hunt. Holmes had a better line, but I think Hunt did just as well with a line that was not as good,
  15. Honestly that was a rookie mistake. He should have taken an inside release with that coverage. He'll learn.
  16. Probably more like 40. But i'd say that's true. 4 out of the top 89 running backs last year were 29 or older.
  17. Maybe true in general, but there are plenty of exceptions. Franco Harris, The Bus, Gore, and I believe Marcus Allen were effective into their thirties. I have little hope for Hunt playing more than a minor, fill in role, but it's always possible that he can contribute plenty by trading a lost step or two for experience and native talent.
  18. Every expert micro-brewer I have ever known does not drink.
  19. That's true. And I don't want to misrepresent what I know. I am not an orthopedic surgeon and have no access to more actual medical information from the same sources as anyone else here does, only what I read. So, IF the information is correct about the broken fibula extending into the articulating surfaces with the tibia at the ankle, and if the MRI shows damage to any of the ligaments in that area of the ankle, then what I wrote is most likely correct. A fracture, like a spiral fracture, that extends downward from the fibula into the articulating surface (joint) with the tibia, then it is a big damn deal that, even if it heals well, there likely will be SOME permanent reduction of the ability of that joint to move without pain. But not even the Chiefs front office would have a full knowledge until the MRI's which show soft tissue, have been evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon who subspecializes in injuries to that area. I'm just speaking about fractures extending into joints in general. Even the source of what I read is not official yet. So, the Chiefs don't know the whole picture probably. For me, it's just an educated guess. Also, yes, I tend to be a pessimist when it comes to injuries in a contact sport like NFL football.
  20. The Dolphins said Tuesday Tagovailoa is being placed on injured reserve, meaning he will miss Miami's next four games before he is eligible to return. With the Dolphins having a bye in week six next month, it means the earliest Tagovailoa can return to play will come on October 27, when Miami faces the Arizona Cardinals.
  21. When a CORONER asks to meet for a cold o.... oh never mind
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