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Everything posted by oldtimer
  1. asinine statement .. he does wear a gold jacket ya know and thats for more than just 1 SB win
  2. funny it doesn't loo that cold .. not seeing peoples breath etc
  3. Flawed logic IMO.. a Punter is a defensive player has nothing to do with offense and in the days of our horrific Defenses he was the best player on Defense
  4. name the QB's that were better than Lenny in the day..Namath? 1 SB ..Bart Star maybe. Johnny U? he was the Goat before Brady. Lenny was acknowledged as an Elit QB for years ..MVPAT only 2 ..let let him age a little bit before starting to name your illegitimate grandbabies after him. Balto's next Thread will be who's cooler Godzilla or MegaGodzilla.. WFCs???
  5. Apple and Oranges.. but I am sure you can come up with a trade for Lenny
  6. I'd wager that they do bring in competition IF he doesn't just retire..at least give him a chance to fight for his job for his last year
  7. looks cheap to me....his Cap hit was this year spotrac.com/nfl/kansas-city-chiefs/dustin-colquitt-4375/ YEAR AGE BASE SALARY SIGNING WORKOUT CAP HIT DEAD CAP YEARLY CASH 2018 36 $1,015,000 $650,000 $35,000 $1,700,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000($3,000,000) 2019 37 $2,450,000 $650,000 $50,000 $3,150,000 $1,350,000 $2,500,000($5,500,000) 2020 38 $1,950,000 $650,000 $50,000 $2,650,000 $650,000 $2,000,000($7,500,000)
  8. I'm glad I'm retired but I am pretty sure I'd of taken the day off. I was pretty fuzzy when I woke up but coffee,doing my morning chores and this great weather helped me purge
  9. I dont think it was complete BS but you are free to believe as you will. If he had fallen that far out of favor why not just cut him?? At that time wasn't quite sure how our running game was going to pan out. That being said I in no way believe Shady will be a Chief next year
  10. just said its for an extra D-Lineman.. I approve of that move
  11. altho the wife works in Columbia her fellow workers all have STL roots..she was the only one on Friday even talking SB..
  12. and thank you Boss for creating a venue for us all to gather it certainly is nice to be able to share this experience with fellow Chief fans all over the globe.
  13. thats the way we like them as well grilling up 2 Tomahawk Ribeyes
  14. not really nervous about the game ..at least not outwardly . I'm not ever up this late, not watching stupid SNL or anything else but I cant go to sleep. Oh I will but after a few Wellers bourbons and chasers etc I should be pretty well tranquilized but nope. I wonder about the players & whats going through their minds? I have no idea IF any have played in the SB before to give guidance. man o man.. I wonder how the Pats fans feel after their multiple SB appearances? I only hope we get to that plateau but for tonight this is really strange. For me personally it has been an emotional year and this would really top it off with a positive. We are having Tomahawk steaks and doing the pre game party ( just me and POOT) but I am really not sure how to feel . Its been 50 years ..40+ as a Season Ticket Holder only to lose faith in the Pioli years..man o man .. what a crazy trip it has been. our sunset tonight Man
  15. yep start cuttn those holes in strategic spots ..she's a hottie
  16. and Balto will figure out how ee can trade MVPat, Veach & Reid for the Brown's entire 2020 and the every first pick until 2025
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