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Everything posted by oldtimer
  1. 6th all time winning est coach is why he's not going anywhere..next year he could easily be 5th.. he's not going aywhere unless a major implosion happens or he just quits
  2. not unfathomable .. but you cant in good faith bring up a problem with out a solution...so who ya going to get??? I
  3. I couple of weeks ago I heard a quote from Texan's coach Bill OBrian about not winning games but losing them by penalties .. I think last Sunday we saw exhibit A
  4. Charles seemed to fumble an importation game or two away as well.. can someone name a starting RB that has not fumbled?
  5. I think I see bodies falling off a bridge.. I like carnage
  6. yea the Toub magic seems to have petered out..
  7. I'm still laughing .. # 1 reason I will never spend 1 more cent going to a game..its too easy to walk away from the TV and take a nice peaceful walk
  8. these are NFC games so why or how did you get muscled out of the AFC game?
  9. my vote is to keep the Sausage back there as his body guard
  10. yea they mentioned that on TNF last night..kinda caught me off guard
  11. our History at Arrowhead is taking a real hit.. this is the first team I can remember in decades that HFA is not a thing The odds are always good for a "first time"..its like an announcer jinxing a Kicker buy saying he has not a missed a FG this year.. I shutter when they say things like that.
  12. he's on the BBQ judge circuit growing THE BIG SEXY ...dont ask
  13. not without some freakish 91 yrd run..JMHO here but we got lucky and yes I'd rather be lucky than good sometimes but that might of been it
  14. I hoping that means MVPat is on the ready deck if shit hits the fan early..like down 14+ in the 2nd qrtr
  15. Moore was just on the Podium for the Wednesday News Conference.. so I'm assuming Moore plays again the weekend? or are there any other updates I have missed?
  16. agreed..not to mention YAC potential of said names
  17. just qualifying the validity of my statement ..nothing more
  18. and they showed well at that game as well as everytime we played them in arrowhead in the 40+ years we had season tickets...now go sit down
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