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Everything posted by oldtimer
  1. many are picking them to win the AFC West..some say Super Bowl..maybe not so if that injury bug keeps hitting them ..Breeland maybe getting call from LA her momentarily
  2. .WTF? Ithink we'll see him as much if not a tad more than AS and we'll see more of the #1s because they need to work together.his ass sitting on the bench does little good n his development..playing time is his friend
  3. define "Alex Bashers" There are those on here that dont think he's good enough to win a SB regardless, there are those who think with a Bears,Ravens type of Defense he could win a SB there are those of us who think that we have seen his ceiling and ready to move on..but then you have Phatalerror whom we think is Alex because his never ending worship of him LOL..many will call him AA (Average Alex). You'll have those on her that rate Alex anywhere from a C to an A QB. I dont think anyone on here does not think he's tough but when its all is said n done I think he will be thought of in the same light as Trent Green was..it took awhile to appreciate him, then appreciated but then ready to move on.
  4. for the new guys..great idea OBTW wIlkie... I'm Oldtimer (OT) because at the time on the old Star Board It seemed I was one of the few that remembered seeing games at Municipal Stadium and most were Marty era fans. Dad & I took the Ward Parkway Buss's to the stadium. I sat in the old Milgram's Huddle Club at Municipal, Dad had seats in that same End Zone area and got to sit with him when Otis Taylor made that one handed catch in the corner endzone against the RedSkins..OT about fell in my lap..greatest catch of all time IMHO. Anyhoo I'm 58 so not that old but do have lots of History. Family had season tickets for over 40 years until Pioli just was more than we could stand and our family spread out all over the country. Welcome to all.. you guys really have injected some life into this place. I sincerely hope that you have found a new home.
  5. have to wonder if the deal with the Chiefs had much to do with this
  6. except I dont have Cable or Dish TV..and only a 1/2 tick over Dial up Internet..but yea that be the best of both worlds in his case
  7. I think it depends on which Hunt they got the 235# or the 208# r
  8. good lord I hope not. I mean I dont know much but he seems to be in a lot of trouble
  9. If he can stay healthy he could become very very special. I'm sick of hearing about Gronk but as of know he has set the bar.
  10. I think that revolved around whether he can stay healthy or not..not on his ability. At least thats the message I got.
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