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Everything posted by oldtimer
  1. well since one run didn't lose the game I'm having difficult time understanding the obsession with this one run it's a BFD to me. That being said the #1's barely played as a unit the entire preseason and I am sure in a effort to avoid injuries and being under the belief that the offense will pick up where it left off..both bad calls and that's on Andy. I also believe that is part of the WR Dropsies problem as nothing can simulate real live action/competition. I myself am following the24 hr hour rule...on to Jacksonville! You guys do realize there are 15 more games left in the regular season don't you? I am hoping to see some new any news about either CJ signing or being traded I could really not give a fuck which anymore
  2. that's the problem anymore 1 picture does not tell the whole story and yet people who want to believe take it as gospel most of them twatter followers. I'm no fan of CEH but I am thankful to Geoff for setting the record strait
  3. I think it's fair to say Veach wont let CJ sit out much longer without a trade..if he does Veach is a putz
  4. channeling your inner Balto? lol I guess with Purdy's Rookie deal they might afford CJ & Bosa
  5. hardly makes him a deformed unicorn. dont get me wrong I'm not moaning the loss just wondering out loud..
  6. yea he only got a 1 yr $4M contract..hard to think that would not be $$ well spent given his history and improvement not to mention speed
  7. going against guys like Hutch although few and far in-between shows where we could of used a FB that and when the Chiefs need 2 yrds..maybe the Bell dozer could of fit that roll if TK was on the field?
  8. well you dont get to be the #2 pick by sucking but that RT was a veteran so you'd hope he had something up his sleeve. You maybe right and time will tell. MVPatrick was fighting for his life more often than not but with the camera angles or lack there of it may of been lack of WR Separation as well. Regardless color me concerned
  9. so much? Maybe Patrick's targeting IIRC he had 9 plays in the first 1/2 and targeted 4 times in all
  10. agreed it was expected that the Lions would run the ball down our throat controlling the clock then target St whats his name after the LB/DBs started creeping up. Our D has nothing to be ashamed of this loss is squarely on the Offense and it's my fear that we may have gone from meh to vomit with our O-Tackles
  11. a much as I agree with your "Standout" player assessment I think he also now qualifies as a Malcontent without the bargain price
  12. I'm praying for news of a CJ trade today but is 29 yo and a 3-4 year contract for a DT which historically dont drop off like speed players really really out of line? If you believe it is I disagree.
  13. as I'm filling the Hummingbird Feeders I just made myself chuckle at the thought of waking up finding out that the Chiefs have traded CJ to the Lions
  14. seems the twitterverse is not in favor of his appearance at Arrowhead
  15. if he don't play I guess we get our first small glimpse of a Post Kelce offense
  16. seems CJ will be at the game in a "suite" no idea if it's Clark's or???? . It used to be that when you'd see a player with CP it meant something big is about to happen. What's the under/over of how many times CJ is the focus of the TV camera during the game??
  17. I think he'llplay. Had them and they are more scary than serious. His MRI came back negative for tears so put a brace on it. After MVPat's performance in the SB TK wont let a small tweek stop him. last night on Inside NFL Ocho Cinco pretty well described it perfectly and expects him to play as well
  18. Seems Bosa is holding out as well and he's wanting $32M annually from the 49rs wonder if that might being into CJ/agent's calculations?
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