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Everything posted by mex
  1. Andy has lost control. This team is not this bad. It takes mismanagement to look like this.
  2. I tell ya how they do that... fix that dismal turnover ratio. Really... that's all they need. We could use a legit ball hawk in the secondary to make guys like Burrow and Allen a little more uncomfortable throwing those 'up for grabs' balls that always seem to work against us on 3rd and long.
  3. They won't get far in the playoffs if their offense is a one-man show. There's a reason he felt his targets were minimal... TRAVIS KELCE.
  4. Personally I think when he got up 27 he started taking risks and it came back to bite him. I never felt the game was in danger though.
  5. I think the Eagles' overall SOS is similar to the Chiefs. Our division pulls down our SOS.
  6. "Aside from that, Mrs Lincoln... how was the play?"
  7. There are 2 teams in the AFC that are better than the Chiefs. We need to have a HUGE offseason with FA and the draft. Then we'll be back on top.
  8. Andy blew it by not challenging that reception in the second half. That ball clearly hit the ground. They could cost us a game if they don't get their shit together.
  9. Yep... he's fucking good. But we'll beat them in the playoffs. They'll be way overconfident. All we need is to get healthy... which is a tall task I'll admit.
  10. D line is not cutting it. No pressure... Burrow has all day.
  11. I'd pay good foldin' money to hear Mahomes yell 'Blue 80' a few times... especially after having to listen to 'Omaha Omaha' for five fuckin' years
  12. Maybe those lost lbs will help him run faster.
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