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Everything posted by mex
  1. small penises. which leads to an even deeper philosophical question.... is it penises, or penii?
  2. why does he need a security team? are there mediocre offensive linemen terrorizing the streets?
  3. If FC plays to the level he's being paid, we should be fine. That was a problem last year... lack of pressure up front = more stress on the secondary Maybe he can brandish a Tech-9 right before the snap. Too soon?
  4. Unbelievable He’s as much as Kelce, Jones and Mahomes combined
  5. Oh I agree on the media my friend. They just want a scoop and to hell with the circumstances. but this one seems pretty cut and dry. He either had a reason to be arrested, or the cops lied. Which does happen. But if he had the weapon in his vehicle, he’s got no excuse
  6. due process to what? a fair trial? pretty sure he'll get that I mean, did he NOT have an uzi in his vehicle? If he didn't, then I'm right there with ya for the record, gun laws suck... all of them but that's not the issue here the issue is we have a 'leader' on this team that is constantly getting into trouble... big trouble... the kind of trouble that, at least in my experience, leads to bigger trouble if he did in fact have an illegal weapon, it's the SECOND TIME in three months regardless of due process IMO we don't need that on this team not now, not ever
  7. 2012 home invasion and burglary 2014 Domestic violence (kicked off team) March 2021 arrested, firearms charge June 2021 arrested, firearms charge Sure... poor guy never gets due process he’s an idiot, is what he is
  8. But he wasn’t in your state. he represents the team... you said yourself he was a leader in the locker room. Or someone did. fucking act like it. Is that too much to ask?
  9. I kinda like the KC... the other one looks too much like FSU
  10. My favorite ‘dad response’ from when my kids were teenagers 😄
  11. Appreciate the response... agree for the most part. Clark beat up a woman when he was an adult in college. Saying he is now suddenly clean because a little time has passed is ludicrous. If you gave blowjobs 7 years ago, you’re still a cocksucker today... 😄 If this was just one incident, then I’d be willing to cut him some slack. But he’s showing incredible lack of judgement, and doing so repeatedly. I’d say the same thing about cheetah if he were to relapse.
  12. Not sure the nfl changed the one helmet rule, it’s more for throwback helmets. Nevertheless it makes for some interesting conjecture.
  13. The facts are out. We shitcanned, arguably, the best running back in football... his rap sheet doesn't hold a candle to Clark's this isn't a defense of Kareem BTW... but what the hell... show some consistency Shitty people are shitty people... bil's right... sooner or later you'll get burnt and for a team with SB aspirations... this is huge see Britt Reid
  14. I had no idea he was arrested for domestic abuse in 2014.... and kicked off his team. And a home invasion? Now this. What a fucking loser. Makes hunt look like a Boy Scout, and of course we shitcanned him immediately. Fuck frank Clark. Dump him now and get some replacements.
  15. can't disagree with any of that... but you're right... his contract is sucking up dollars that could be better utilized that said, veach & co can't hit it out of the park every time... shit happens
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