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Everything posted by mex
  1. It's the afc north... probably the least predictable interdivisional games in the NFL. I could easily see Pitt pulling the upset.
  2. All I want is for the extraordinary FOOTBALL PLAYER to return.
  3. Same could be said for Toney... he's 24. Jerry Rice had hands issues his first few years too, IIRC.
  4. Totally agree. Except, I don't think he's a bad RB. There might be others better than him... but he can block, catch, and knows the playbook. I also wonder why we don't see more of him on wheel routes etc. It's almost like Andy is losing his playcalling mojo in certain situations.
  5. There goes Skyy Moore Dropped another pass at the 44 No Skyy No Moore
  6. It sucks from a depth perspective. When does Hardman return?
  7. I'm almost glad when they do. No chance for a fumble.
  8. Honestly, we should get the #2 seed, looking at our schedule vs Miami's. They have Dallas, Balt and Buff. I see at least one loss there maybe two. Balt has SF, Miami and Pitt, not exactly a cakewalk, but I could see them losing at SF. And those last-game-of-the-season conference games (Pittsburgh) are sometimes tough to win. Miami will be a good game too. None of that means squat if we don't handle our own shit... hopefully the Chiefs bring us all a Christmas win. Cincy will be tough... they're playing great even without Burrow. Then it's to LA where we could face a dumpster fire or a highly motivated team. Should be an interesting three weeks. If balt loses 2, and we win out, we own the conference record. I'm too lazy to look at common opponents.
  9. Fair enough. And I would agree. All we need is for our WRs to do their fucking jobs, and we're a SB contending team. Patrick has had plenty of time iin the pocket, but he's being forced to hold too long because nobody can find a seam. That's what is so frustrating.
  10. again... all on the WRs effort. if Andy &Co are not cracking skulls right about now, they deserve to lose. And don't even get me started on Kelce flopping yesterday... that was embarrassing. I mean, if you get beat, handle it like a man for God's sake. You don't need to act like a soccer player just because things aren't going your way.
  11. Agree with the last points, not so sure about the first. Mahomes is Mahomes, and he can beat anyone. Were it not for incompetent WRs his numbers would be stellar this season. Toney HANDED that game to Detroit, on a silver platter. Our WRs also handed Buffalo the win. With competent WRs, we're 11-3... quite possibly 12-2. Your team is the only team to really beat us this season, and you gotta admit denver was kinda due to have a game where everything went right. The donks hadn't beat us since the obama administration. I'm not quite ready to say the league has "figured out" and neutralized Mahomes quite yet.
  12. I'm sorry but I don't want to lose CEH. He's a very serviceable back, knows the playbook, and busts his ass. No running back will command high dollars these days, so I'm guessing we could keep him w/o breaking the piggy bank. I love Pacheco... don't get me wrong... but his balls-to-the-wall style is such that he will likely miss some games throughout the season. Nothing wrong with that... just means we need a competent #2 back, which CEH is.
  13. Odds are that a 5 star is better than a 3 star... but I'm not sure those odds are overwhelming. I'm no recruiting guru, but I've seen a metric fuck-ton of 3-stars go pro while highly touted 5's hardly accomplish anything. I remember one year OSU recruited a 5-star LB out of Cleveland named D'Andrea. They were saying he was supposed to be the best thing since Dick Butkus. Roughly the same time they recruited a 3 star LB nobody ever heard of named AJ Hawk... who went on to play many years in the league. Sme thing with 5 start QB Justin Zwick... he just never figured it out while 3-star Troy Smith had a great college career. You're right though, with piles of 5-stars odds are a team will do well. See GA. But it is definitely coaching & development in the long term. Iowa's style has always been traditional football... run the ball, utilize TEs, have a stifling defense, and win the turnover battle. Takes coaching to execute, but it's hard to go wrong with that strategy as any Marty Schottenheimer fan knows.
  14. Gotta be both. All I know is, average defenses have absolutely no respect for our passing game. It's up to the WRs to work. It's up to Andy to exploit the opposition's overconfidence.
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