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Everything posted by mex
  1. holding your breath doesn't stop your heart from pumping blood constricting the carotid immediately stops blood flow the 'choked out' deal comes from MMA athletes who sometimes get their opponents down and win by getting them in a choke hold, causing them to black out now, I'm not saying this happened to PM... I'm just saying that holding your breath is not the same as getting choked out also, a person can get woozy, or lose their balance simply by standing up too fast from a lying or kneeling position... I know this because it's happened to me while setting tiles
  2. if you drink too much you'll get hammered and sick(le)
  3. I was surprised he didn't signal for a fair catch
  4. This isn't the Chiefs of the 90's but you can't blame anyone for thinking 'same ol' when we endured more than a decade of playoff meltdowns it's only been 24 months for crying out loud
  5. meh... I don't mind a minute or three to make sure the right call is made... blown calls can change an entire game... personally I'd rather have them get it right than have them hurry through it and waste the ENTIRE game on one blown call that said, the targeting rule needs to be done right... because it has the potential to give a HUGE advantage to the offense Soerensen did NOT target the ball carrier... they both did their jobs... 90% of football is helmet-first and this is a perfect example
  6. It'll probably be allowed to go to replay but that play was not targeting furthermore, IMO the ball carriers ought to be charged for targeting if they put their head down in an attempt to bull through a tackler in college football, the rule gives a huge advantage to the offense if the NFL goes that route, there's gonna be a lot of pissed off fans helmet to helmet contact is unavoidable when you have guys running a 4.4 in full contact
  7. Nice try On this particular play, it was the Field Judge who had primary responsibility. That responsibility was: *ensure the ball carrier stayed in bounds as the play developed *determine position of the ball if/when it crosses the plane *ensure ball carrier's position as in bounds the moment the ball crosses the plane *determine the ball carrier as having possession as the ball crosses the plane Now, it must also be pointed out that the helmet to helmet contact was not egregious in that both players were attacking the same position on the field (the pylon) with the FJ focusing on the goal line, the plane, the pylon, the football, and the ball carrier's feet. All of this, in the course of 1.8 seconds. And you're bitching because the Field Judge, in spite of his PRIMARY duties, wasn't able to determine the INTENT of the tackler, which is the spirit of the targeting rule. Good luck with that.
  8. when williams carried the ball today, it was like watching the playoffs last year
  9. guess it depends on the type of injury when I played, brain injuries were called "getting your bell rung" but that was 50 years ago science has advanced... apparently
  10. gotcha... it looked like they tried to make a story out of it but then it died out
  11. ... on the sideline? I went for a beer and missed it
  12. we know WAY more than Andy does... this is an internet board... full of experts I will say this tho... his decision to kick the FG on 4th an a half-yard was bullshit.
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