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Everything posted by mex
  1. egads... thanks for helping relieve my OL concerns
  2. important first round bye? you serious clark? ok yeah, sure, "there are no meaningless games" seems to me our OL is reeling and needs rest right this very moment... not three weeks from now always been a big picture guy... seems to me our OL has been hit pretty hard... according to many in this very forum we have guys playing who shouldn't even be in the league not sure I agree with that, but the way our OL has been patched together I'm surprised we don't see duct tape all over their uniforms the OL is the single most important position group... with the responsibility of protecting our FRANCHISE QB without whom our chances to advance in the playoffs are well... nil if PM is running for his life (as stated in my post... context is everything) then this Sunday is clearly not as important as the next two games we keep the tiebreaker edge with Pitt regardless IMO (and this is just my opinion) our first obligation is to stay healthy RIGHT NOW to fight another day... "all important bye week" or not here's a thought... why not turn week 15 into an all important bye week minimize exposure to injury from our key starters, and give another week to heal all the sore backs on the OL I'm not saying we should phone it in... of course not but we sure as fuckety fuck don't need to play this game like it's one and done if I were Andy, I'd gameplan to keep PM safe in the superdome run the ball, call quick outs, jet sweeps... and give backups like Henne a few quarters of PT... hell Keizer and Yelder could use the reps, honestly sorry I just can't place much value in fighting for a bye in January, when we're in need of a bye right now... doesn't add up just my .02... fire away
  3. agreed... if patrick is running for his life, get him out of there... give henne some work... no sense risking the entire season for a meaningless game either that, or as previously stated, just run the ball for 60 min
  4. you heard him on SB Mic'd Up his attitude was"'already threw 2 picks in the SB... can't get any worse so might as well keep flinging it" certainly his dad taught him that... pitchers need the shortest memories of all...
  5. pretty sure they traded a few of those picks they got from KC, but its safe to say they got at least Tre White and Josh Allen
  6. except, there aren't two sides native Americans aren't complaining... the only ones I've ever seen complain are rich white liberals I live 300 yards from the Rez... I see Chiefs hats everywhere real native Americans aren't offended by the Kansas City Chiefs... they take pride as fans
  7. off-schedule throws ability to quickly process information built for the game fucking football robot
  8. depends on how it's used like if I responded "listen here, Chief..."
  9. haven't seen anyone offended by putting him in with those guys because he belongs there my point was marino was great... but never won the big game so it takes the shine off the greatness just like dan fouts and air coryell stats up the ass... no ring MVPatrick has already surpassed them far as I'm concerned oh and in regards to marino... care for a cookie, son?
  10. marino? PM has already exceeded marino... he has a ring
  11. it's not about whether it's offensive, it's about forcing others to submit to your will
  12. nope... indiana is where prince charles spent his first honeymoon
  13. or the typical penalties at the wrong time which we've endured in countless playoff games cough dave szott cough dee ford cough
  14. and kareem would be sporting a chubb for a chance to destroy his old virtue-signalling team
  15. it's a fan's God-given right to be negative especially if that fan has been a fan since 1970 and weathered the wiggin, bettis and ganz years
  16. we gotta do what we gotta do... I'm not up to speed on how free agency works at this point in the season, but if we can raid practice squads, I'd start looking at teams with solid pass pro like Pitt, Indy, GB, and TB amazingly, we're like 7th overall in sacks allowed... wouldn't have thought that probably because PM has learned to run for his life
  17. I'll give 'em one thing tho... Big Ben is a tough SOB... he stands in that pocket like a statue... he doesn't get rattled easily
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