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Everything posted by mex
  1. what is it with butker... can kick 4 58 yarders in one game but can't tack on the 1
  2. honestly I don't think that was all that bad... there's hand-play on every down
  3. demarcus needs to step up... looks like he's doing just that
  4. “By the way, you know, I sit on the stand and it’d get hot. I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. I love kids jumping on my lap.”
  5. So THAT'S why it's so easy to picture you with your hands between another man's legs...
  6. I played defensive end as a freshman in HS that makes me more qualified than you because DE is closest to C alphabetically
  7. it's 'critique' and trust me... you don't have the vocabulary to personally offend me but just to clarify... you are an armchair fan with no real playing experience, right? you've never played center at any level... let alone D1 or pro the only thing resembling dog shit is the way you present your opinion oh, and you're a drinker of fruity seltzers... at least you come across as one not that there's anything wrong with that
  8. so, it's all on the coach... is that what you're saying? In all the years he's been coaching, Andy never won a super bowl is that because he's a bad coach? or is it because he never had the tools to get it done until Patrick et al a coach's success is more often than not a product of their players... greg robinson may or may not have been a good coach but in 2003 he had very few tools on his belt... maybe because they invested too much into the offense, hence my original post
  9. you can have an opinion without calling an individual player you've likely never met dog shit how about "man the OL is playing like shit" or, "damn... Reiter has been playing horrible lately" it's a fan's God-given right to gripe about their team... not trying to take that away from you... but dude...
  10. no offense, but how is it you know more about player evaluation than bienemy/heck? gosh I love it when armchair football fans call professional players 'dog shit' really makes everyone think you're an expert! so... where did you play D1 college football... what round did you get selected? how many offensive lines have you called assignments out at center? please detail the credentials you've received, that allow you to call a player who has earned super bowl champion Andy Reid's confidence "dog shit" I mean, other than sitting on the couch eating doritos and drinking fruit seltzer every sunday
  11. the hard part about asking that question, is we're just fans... observers easy to watch 60 min of football from the couch and say "they should have done a better job of draft/free agent acquisition on the OL" to me, the hardest part of the front office job is the balance as xen stated in the last post, FA acquisitions are important... oft times a crap shoot injuries are not predictable... how do you deal with them so yeah... they could invest a lot more on the big uglies, but what is the ultimate cost of that? you pay for it with coin that could be used to shore up the defense and STs... both important pieces that can cost you games remember that offense we had with Weigaman, Roaf, Shields, Waters and Tait in the trenches? Fucking unstoppable where did that get us average STs and swiss cheese defense
  12. obviously mahomes hasn't been around long enough to categorize him among 'best ever' but given the short, 2 year snapshot he's definitely got the ability the only real concern is how long the chiefs can keep him upright... the front office plays as much a role in a quarterback's greatness as the QB's talent does the other greats (montana, brady, manning) always found a way to work with rotating rosters and free agnecy, but always enjoyed one or two consistent weapons on offense with travis, tyreek and now mecole, he has consistent weapons... even without watkns the key to mahomes achieving that level of greatness is the front office, and how they navigate the cap, injuries and the roster changes caused by them NE, Den and SF all had excellent FOs because they had to deal with the same injuries, salary caps and free agencies that all the other teams had to navigate personally I think Veach is the man... and we KNOW mahomes has the ability to become GOAT the question is FO committment
  13. I can't tell whether you left off the 's' or mistyped the 'u'.
  14. why should your theory be any different than your posts?
  15. maybe not all-pro material but he's a solid center/guard... we need the depth... would like to see it happen
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