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Everything posted by mex
  1. I can't laugh at the Bears... especially after watching the chiefs QB picks over the last the last fitty years cough blackledge cough
  2. he knocked down two passes singlehandedly... big part of squelching their drives he was involved in pressuring garappalo on Clark's final sack without Jones, those last two niners possessions might have given all of us more grey hair
  3. uh, he made more plays this year, quality plays, than any of the ravens WRs... sammy is the definition of clutch forget the SB... start with the game-clinching score vs the Titans which Ravens receiver had a game-clinching score against the Titans?
  4. He singlehandedly squelched the niners' passing game in the 4th Q I'd hate to lose him
  5. and there will be PLENTY of that going on with 44% of the NFL making the playoffs. For teams that are good, those extra few games will be just like pre-season games. The starters will play one series, and the backups finish the game. Adding those extra playoff teams defeats the entire purpose of adding extra reg season games. It just moves a few preseason games from August to December.
  6. ok I know y'all have already seen this video before, but I'm telling you... Mahomes is a mutant. I mean, he's not human.
  7. In case y'all haven't posted this, here's the AFC Championship mic'ed up:
  8. Yep that was kinda my point OT... the drop-off between pick #32 and #34 is probably not measurable... at that point it's all about evaluating talent and the best fit
  9. Far as I'm concerned, ol' Patrick can say anything, in any voice, as many times as he wants
  10. technically we can call it a first round pick, but I see it as a high second sometimes you gotta trade up to get an important position of need like MVPat, and like SF did with Bosa... neither team is in the SB without them I see your point that one can find value in FA or lower picks... there's no doubt about that the question in my mind at least, is what is our biggest 'position of need'? IMO we need LB, secondary (CB and S), and OL I'm thinking we can use free agency for both the OL and LB corps, as well as to replace anyone we lose on the DL to FA I agree we can find value in the later rounds... especially at LB IMO CB and S are our most important needs... which should be our prime focus in the early rounds what made the Pats so great for so long, is player evaluation... how they found value in FA and in the later rounds I think Andy and Brett are up to the task... and considering we're a champion, and how many great FAs are out there who want a ring... it's gonna be a fun offseason
  11. which means after taxes and agent commission, he probably has about 20 mill, assuming he was good at saving money.
  12. They're playing all of his best games, all day long, on Monday President's Day. http://www.nfl.com/network/schedule?icampaign=network_schedule_header
  13. we sure did exorcise a few demons this season didn't we in years past a 24-0 playoff deficit would have been all she wrote
  14. that's hilarious... looks like he took it 'in stride'
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