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Everything posted by mex
  1. I also remember Ed Podolak having a career game in a losing cause that next week vs Miami I was 12... and crying on Christmas Day
  2. My life hasn't changed, but I've sure thrown my share of cusswords at 'em since SB IV
  3. Oh yeah the Montana to Davis TD with no time left... outstanding
  4. I don't think the Chiefs will hold back... they know what they have in Mahomes and will restructure his contract the sooner the better IMO because they can spread it out and leave room for supporting cast
  5. any idea what the temps were in each of those games? Because 40 degrees aint very cold... hopefully last year's bills game was more like 30... with a direct correlation of colder temps = lower QBR
  6. make sure he's on board tomorrow... we need all the help we can muster ALL HANDS ON DECK
  7. fucking asshole... just spit out my beer
  8. it depends... someone makes a comment like 'nobody can stop so-and-so' then it certainly can give the opposing player who's assignment is 'so and so' some extra motivation but this ain't college... pros don't have the same motivation
  9. how about the holding call on Dave Szott vs Miami in the 1990 playoffs... that one killed us... horrible call we had that game won
  10. it will come down to defense... if our boys come to play, we win handily if we can't wrap, if we overpersue, if we don't set the edge... could be a long day that said, we have some veteran leaders on this defense, and I'm looking forward to seeing reggie vs derrick... two old teammates
  11. roger that... yeah I had forgotten it's different in the league. if they go out and try to injure us... the gloves need to come off
  12. did cyprien get ejected for that hit? because that was clearly targeting by definition
  13. the energy in my living room changed after sorensen's stuff... of course the 12 beers I had in the first 15 minutes might have impeded my disposition...
  14. all great indian Chiefs come from a reservation, wilkie.
  15. actually it was the stuffing of the fake punt that changed our mojo
  16. I think a 24-0 lead is about the best momentum you could ask for... didn't seem to help Houston
  17. settle down there cowboy... I haven't seen anyone advocate any of that other stuff a boo is just a boo... happens all the time it's part of the game
  18. It would have changed the entire game... they likely score
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