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Everything posted by mex
  1. and there's a post in this very forum, authored by your's utterly, denoting just that bravo my man... bravo
  2. you're such a dick my soliloquy on that thread was one for the ages!!! it was akin to Mahomes no-looker to Kelsey...
  3. He's got heart... never seems to give up... doesn't make every play, but seems to show up when needed what's not to like
  4. This was a GREAT defensive line we stuffed... they dominated the Bills, who have a pretty good offense
  5. just hope the whole world doesn't like music videos, or we're in for some bandwidth abuse
  6. heh... yep it's hard to describe... gonna take me a while to sort out my emotions after this one... the hangover will help tho... seriously, when can you remember... I mean EVER... being down 24-zip 5 minutes into the 2nd Q... and being confident in the win halfway through the 4th? it's not something ANY Chiefs fan has experienced... far as I can tell
  7. I'm serious... been a fan since we got beat by GB in #1 never have I seen a single play so critical to our team... ever they get the 1st down there... not sure we can come back
  8. you are a child... I was 12 when Dawson beat Kapp... and enjoyed every minute
  9. Fan of the Year way to not lose the faith brother
  10. I have defended this guy on multiple occasion when he was badmouthed by so many in this forum. His stuffing of the fake punt saved our season. This was one of the single most important plays in KC history. Sorensen is a worthy safety... he's been a GREAT Kansas City Chief.
  11. I tend to agree... I think I'd rather face the pats again, at arrowhead, than the texans... they looked good today
  12. yeah it could happen... not sure about the easily part... hell there's a chance the titans don't even make it
  13. some of those games we had great defenses (Marty, Gunther) some we had great offenses (Dick) we still managed to lose way more home games than we won.. too many
  14. Certainly HFA can be an advantage. But it hasn't traditionally helped us in the playoffs. This team can win on the road. And we'll have to...
  15. Meh... we're 3-8 in the playoffs with HFA since Christmas 1971 and that includes the 90's when Arrowhead was rocking 3 of our 4 losses have been at home this year HFA doesn't mean squat I mean, if we were 7-0 at home this season I'd tend to agree... but statistically HFA hasn't contributed to the W column if we're a SB contender... and I think clearly we are... we will win on the road. We have to... because of all those regular season home games we lost
  16. I don't see why the draw is worse... at some point ya gotta play 'em. And our home playoff record ain't exactly stellar we can beat anyone on the road
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