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Everything posted by mex
  1. There will be a starting LT at 31. Keep the picks we have and let Andy/Veach work their magic.
  2. That's kinda how I see it... but I wouldn't be surprised if we take a day 1 WR
  3. This assumes there are guys on the PS who aren't being considered... but there are some guys who might break out this year you never know. Honestly, I think we draft a future #1 WR. Or two.
  4. Hopefully Cornell Powell will finally get his shit together.
  5. And even then, only if he comes cheap... wanting to chase a ring.
  6. No, nor should he be... this is why they restructure every few years. Patrick knows the importance of leaving enough to cap room to maintain a roster. Patrick has goals... and that's to surpass Brady. He knows what that will take. And he knows what that will allow him to earn when he retires in 15 years.
  7. Veach knows this. It's why he'll be on the open market next week.
  8. That's kinda my question... just asked in a different way. How many times is an athlete actually happy with a deal (for all of the above reasons, not just $$) when the agent convinces them to change their mind by saying shit like "They're disrespecting you by not offering top 3 money!"
  9. 7 QBs in 4 seasons? I mean yeah he's been injured a lot but he played this entire last season. For 3 different QBs I might add. And who will likely take the first QB of the '23 draft. Kinda hard to succeed in an offense that can't find their identity.
  10. With what QBs? Oh yeah... 7 of them in 4 years.
  11. Of course I’m loyal. Seriously though, when healthy Campbell is a badass. We need a WR1 like him.
  12. Don't get xen's tits excited... he'll start spraying the place with milk stout.
  13. He wasn't used right. He didn't fit the system. The sun was in his eyes. There was a plague... LOCUSTS!!!!
  14. I don't think people are saying he was a bust. But he was pretty damned expensive and guys like that need to produce for the entire season... like Jones. Clark came through in the clutch though... and in the post season he played well. He still sucks tho.
  15. If Hardman were healthy and still cheap, I'd take him in a heartbeat. He's going to be an asset to some team... he's likely too expensive for the Chiefs to want to keep. Someone was bouncing the idea of bringing in Parris Campbell if he was willing to take less for a ring... that dude can stretch the field.
  16. Always wondered how much pressure from agents account for otherwise acceptable deals being rejected.
  17. Yep... seems like Brown likes it in KC... and I think he likes his leadership role. Being able to win multiple SBs has its appeal too. That said, this year is a bit short on FA LTs and it wouldn't surprise me if some other team made him an offer we just won't match. Either way I trust Veach. Man o man... the draft being in KC this year is going to be EPIC.
  18. Yeah, but his feet are outstanding... he's ready to start day one. I'd much prefer Johnson though. I bet we re-sign Brown.
  19. You fucker... I just spit Irish Red ale all over the keyboard.
  20. Parris Johnson is a beast... I'd be amazed if we found a way to get him. Skoronsky is also a bad ass and so is Harrison. Mauch is underrated too IMO. With Jones, there's quite a few day one LTs ready to start in the league.
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