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Everything posted by mex
  1. I'd like to keep him. The importance of the punt game is underrated. Will Veach want to draft a punter? I remember 15 years ago this board blew up when we drafted Colquitt. Seems like we really couldn't pick up a good FA punter for much cheaper, at least, according to the article. I bet they wait until he's tendered an offer then match it.
  2. Apologies if it's already been posted. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/chiefs-de-george-karlaftis-joins-nfl-now-10-days-after-super-bowl-lvii-win/vi-AA17OocT?ocid=msedgntp
  3. Only if it comes with a signed michigan jersey. 🤮🤮
  4. I think his past might have something to do with it.
  5. He's been a starter for two straight seasons, and his performance has improved big time. I'm no expert, but y'all are delusional if you think they're looking to dump him, especially if OBJ is in question. Now, if he asks for more money than he's worth, that's a different story.
  6. Patrick loves Wylie. So does Andy. He ain't going anywhere.
  7. The thing I was not comfortable with, was when he and Patrick were heatedly arguing on the sideline. I have no idea why that was and I know Patrick is really competitive... but that's never a good thing.
  8. Or... or... bear with me now... there are factors of which you are unaware.
  9. That's because we all know Andy calls the plays. That's not a slam on EB. It's not because folks don't think he WOULD have contributed, had Andy been willing to give him the wheel. Most on this forum just want things to continue... Andy calling plays is worthy of continuing.
  10. Meh... McCoy's best play was the fumble-rooskie... he's got sour grapes because EB called him out on it.
  11. *edited* How many versions did you try out before this one took?
  12. Interview away! Because it's all about feeling good about ourselves! Symbolism is way more important than substance!
  13. probably a cincy fan you talked to
  14. Yep, but I also think it was the combination of holds... everything... as they all happened within a few seconds... first the jersey, then the hook around the back, then the hand on the waist. The real culprit was greg olson in the booth... he stirred up the shit and so did their resident 'penalty expert'
  15. Only by people who don't know the rules. Defensive holding can be called anytime... even before the ball is in the air. 'Catchable' has nothing to do with it.
  16. You're both right. I don't do other NFL boards either... but I do a very popular Buckeyes board, who boasts a significant number of bengals fans. You know it's funny. In 2003 OSU won a natty based on a 'questionable' PI call. That call was rationalized because on one of the last plays in regulation Chris Gamble was clearly held which would have resulted in a first down which would have ended the game. This is a pic of the hold: Of course all the cincy fans INSIST this should have been called, because it would have ended the game. But this SHOULDN'T have ended the AFCCG
  17. It's official. Y'all are free to type out that player's name as often as you like.
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