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Bosskiller last won the day on June 20 2022

Bosskiller had the most liked content!

About Bosskiller

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  1. Thank you for the donations! I really appreciate that. Thank you Xen for all you do !
  2. at 4 bucks a copy whats say we just give copies away, 

    i'm good for 25 copies ;) lets see if we can figure something out. 

  3. Everything working fine…. I fuck around and mess everything up. Seems right
  4. You're the only one that has figured it out so far! Stupid IPB guys won't let me forward old link to new link.
  5. It's been a while. Because I've just been running the site directly off IPB and using their chiefs coalition.invisionzone
  6. Someone bought and transferred it before I could renew. Had all that stuff going to my old ChiefsCoalition email so never saw the renewal come up.
  7. Thanks guys! The chiefscoalition.com domain was taken and now they want $4k for it so I'm going to change the site name to thechiefscoalition.com Probably going to get more involved doing stuff again. So sorry about that! lol
  8. I was a young whipper snapper when we started the Coalition! It’s been a looooooong time! No matter the outcome just enjoy every second of today! Our team finally got there! Time to finish!
  9. I’m so happy for all you guys!!!!!!! It’s been a long time coming! One more game!
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