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Marleydawg last won the day on April 24 2018

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    Atlanta Ga
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  1. Thanks Mloe! Appreciate the knowledge. I've been living in Atlanta for over 20 years now, I don't get much of the skinny down here. The Chiefs Kingdom takeover sounds great and I'll check out those bars! Enjoy the trip! If I run acorss anything myself I'll post it back here as well.
  2. My wife and I are flying down Saturday. Tickets still around 4K, not gonna do that, so looking for watch parties. I've seen a few online but wanted to check if anyone here was in the know! Days are crawling by this week!
  3. DOD was out there as Watson's spy, which he did really well. Ran sideline to sideline with him on a ton of plays and kept Watson from turning the corner when he scrambled. I don't see much similarity with the Titans offense, they're not going to need that role with Tannehill. But that's one thing Spags has done all year -- he's used different combinations of the roster. It was good to see 44 in the game plan. He delivered a few shots out there too!
  4. Ironically, as well as the Donks are playing with Lock right now, Raiders beating the Broncos seems the least likely outcome on that list.
  5. First dominoes to fall... Pats win the east, Texans win the South. Big day tomorrow
  6. What are the odds this doesn't happen? Just seems like it's meant to be...
  7. He is really solid in coverage and a pretty sure tackler. Doesn’t hold up well against the run though, has a hard time getting off blocks.
  8. I'm guessing Okafor is done for the season. It will be interesting to see how the team handles it; likely means Jones may spend some time at DE, maybe X Williams comes off the IR? Getting pretty thin along the front. That said, there's a lot of talk about the secondary -- and rightfully so -- but to me the run D has been great since the first 1/2 of the game in Mexico, especially early in the games to give the O a chance to take the lead.
  9. Good point, although muggings are going to happen (especially in the playoffs). Agreed about trusting the pocket, seems like every other throw is off his back foot (it's pretty awesome to have a QB who can do that effectively!!!). I /do/ disagree about this not being a SB team. I don't think the offense will ever be quite like it was last year; as good (FUN) as it was, it wasn't enough to get the job done. The team needs balance, and assuming the D continues to round in form, it's as balanced a Chiefs team as we've seen since 2015 -- now with an elite QB capable (but not required) to make plays when it matters. As much as I appreciated AS11, he was not that guy. Not saying they're a lock, but they have as good a chance as anyone in the league. The running game on both sides of the ball is what's going to doom them (if they are to be doomed); no team is complete (except maybe Baltimore at the moment -- but the SB isn't won in December).
  10. I told one of my kids it was the least impressive blowout I'd ever seen. That said, I went back and watched the game again (gotta love condensed games) and it wasn't as bad as I thought. They were close on a few big plays (the hold on Thompson that nullified the amazing catch-and-run by DRob was criminal, and the Kelce bomb was just out of reach), and they were 7-11 on third downs and 4-5 in the red zone. I watched Reid's and Mahome's press conferences and neither seemed too concerned about it... They said the game didn't demand big plays so they didn't push it. I'm sucker enough to believe them, and actually appreciative that they'd rather make sure they win the game than put up fantasy numbers. At the end of the day, their offense just isn't as good as it was with a great RB. They haven't been as dangerous without Hunt, teams don't have to respect the run so they can drop more men into coverage and the Chiefs can't make them pay. I'll always be convinced they lost the superbowl last year when the released him (which was the correct move, btw). They were unstoppable with him at RB, and he was only getting better.
  11. Mayock and Gruden have deservedly gotten a lot of credit for their draft class. But what about our Chefs? Hardman, Thornhill, Saunders, and Fenton have all be major contributors this season. Thompson even got a little play the last game and looked pretty spry doing it. Allegrretti is getting the OL redshirt year, perhaps he'll be a player down the line. And I think you have to include Clark, who has underwhelmed from a stat perspective but I believe has been pretty solid all year. After a slim 2018 draft (Nnadi has been the only contributor from that group; Speaks is hurt, O'Daniel and Watts are the only other ones left), Veach rebounded with some studs that are coming along. Good to see.
  12. Since 2018, Our record with Hunt: 9-2 without: 10-7 I don’t think that’s a coincidence. He provided an entirely different dimension, toughness and special gutty runs. Losing him reduced our ability to dominate teams. All that said, he had to go. It was the right move by the organization.
  13. The beauty of having depth and competition. 26 ran hard as hell last night. He got an opportunity to play after being demoted himself over the last few games. sucks that he fumbled, but doesn’t mean he has no value anymore... He’s not the only one who struggled, either. Watkins, Drob, and Kelce (multiple times) all had drops.
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