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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I think we are at the point of forcing Spags (because he loves some crusty old vets for some creepy reason) to play Bolton, Gay, and Harris/DOD at LB. Give Saunders some run at DT. Move Jones back inside and bench Okafor, Ben, Dan, and Hughes. See what Fenton, Ward, Sneed, and Baker can do along with Watts as the 3rd safety.
  2. I'm in shock how truly bad this team is. Drastic changes need to occur, but I also believe they can get it figured out and be a dangerous out. The tackle situation on this team is a problem, Mahomes decision making is a problem, play calling is a problem, and the D is a problem. The biggest problem is turnovers and mental mistakes. We get a stop but a DB holds away from the play and negates a stop. We drive the ball and get called for holding, off sides, or we turn the ball over. Those are mental mistakes that usually frequent soft teams that are coached by player friendly coaches. I'm not holding out a lot of hope but this team is capable of turning the corner, but its going to require some tough love.
  3. How can we catch up when we shoot ourselves in the foot each game and have to play from behind because of our own mistakes. We are averaging like 3.5 turnovers a game. Its hard to win like that in this league. It is time for some tough love though and that includes Mahomes. T
  4. Think we can fly a banner over Arrowhead "Those were his guns...lock him up"?
  5. Looks like Mahomes, Hill and Kelce all went out drinking last night and showed up hung over.
  6. Part of this is prevent D though. Not sure if its ocmpletely apples to apples.
  7. I don't think we bring him back. He might be worth 20 million to a team 1 player away but I even questino his leadership. He should have been calling out Spags after witnessing 5 weeks of lunacy by starting Dan over Thornhill and for Ben Niemann.
  8. We must teach our wr's to shake and dance because we leave plenty of yards on the field doing that. Sheesh Kemp go forward and gain 1-2 yards. Dancing kills your momentum and gives the defenders who's momentum coming against you to push you back. You are not Hill you are JAG Kemp.....
  9. That is no bueno. His neck snapped back......hope its nothing major or long term. That could be really bad.
  10. I'm not sure i've seen a worse game.....this is similar to the Tyler Thigpen days. Inept at every level on all three phases. Soft team, soft head coach, no confidence because our coaches are playing mind games with players instead of putting the best players on the field. Remmers experiment is a failure, Dan was a failure, hardman/Pringle/Robinson are failures to fill that #2, EB will be lucky to get a OC job in college after this year. Outside of Kelce, Gay, and Bolton there isn't any improvement anywhere on this team. Areas that were good to start the year are trash or are declining. Problem is we have a soft coach that will give us the same drivel from the podium and we will see the same sort of effort next week. There is no excuse for this O.....none. Not sure what the problem is but truly genius coaches can scheme guys open or can torch a D that devotes two men to Kelce and Hill and plays two high safety. Its called running the I formation and pound the rock, slants and quick outs.
  11. One can hope we can get out of his contract similar to Bowes.....fingers crossed
  12. Except it hit Pringle right in the hands......NFL wr's are expected to make those plays. It was right in front of his face with both hands on it and he just dropped it. Was it forced? Sure, but if this team is going to have any chance Mahomes is going to have to force some plays. His players gotta bail him out. The fumble is definitely on him and at that point we were still in the game with a TD there and one after the half there was some light at the end of the tunnel.
  13. The play calling hasn’t been great but neither has the execution. Middle of field is open but the concepts we are running don’t exploit it. Mahomes is frustrated and to blame for some of this. His wrs not catching the ball causing ints is not. It’s a culmination of everything that could go wrong.
  14. Imagine that Dan and Ben on the field together. I wonder what the over under is with them on and off the field.
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