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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Another whiff by Sorensen....who is surprised?
  2. He dropped one on the first possession for a first down near the goal line. We probably score 7 on that instead of 3. Not Hills best.
  3. Why on the most important defensive down in the game is Niemann blitzing? Where is gay and BOlton?
  4. Gay makes a difference. He brings attitude!
  5. Watch the D blew their wad with those 3 defensive stops in a row and we will end this game with a back and forth scoring 4th quarter.
  6. Sad thing is we should be up at this point. I would say we are shooting ourselves in the foot yet again but at some point that becomes monotonous. I think CJ and crew have worn off on HB and Frank. We got no dogs on this team. Mentally soft team.
  7. I was wondering this. I thought I saw him playing. Watch though, Spags will go back to Niemann next game and pull Bolton. Its what he does. If he pulled Sorensen for Thornhill we might have an avg D when CJ comes back. Won't hold my breath! We will be lucky to sniff the playoffs playing like this.
  8. 🤣😂 I can't even say that without laughing after this first half
  9. Now the D looks decent and the O looks pedestrian. Come on Andy!
  10. Did Gay play in the first half? Remember seeing Niemann. Nice play there.
  11. Our D actually does its job and we are down and we take the ball out of Mahomes hands which results in two plays that lose yards.
  12. Nothing like running the ball to kill momentum, rythym and a drive. This team.....
  13. I'll stay and watch this game if the D can get a stop or hold them to a fg to start this half. Otherwise I'm outy 5000.
  14. Dang! I'll bet that was a fun game to play!
  15. Was thinking the same thing. What a dominant player.
  16. You could drown in 3 inches of water lol.
  17. Derek Barnett from the Eagles could be rented possibly.
  18. I'm giving this 15 more minutes. Life is too short to allow such incompetency to go unanswered. I hope someone has the balls to ask Spags about Sorensen's camp if we lose this. That should go down with some infamous idiotic quotes.
  19. At this point we won't be able to turn over the D until the 2023 season By then Kelce will be two years older as will Hill. While Hill will still be fast that is expecting a lot for Kelce to still be elite in his mid 30's. This is one window that poor decisions on the defensive side of the ball could close in a hurry.
  20. Not even close. I despise Niemann but at least he's not giving up huge plays and whiffing on every tackle. Nieman actually forced a fumble last week. Sorensen has played like poop since game 1. Probably missed more tackles than the next three guys combined.
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