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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Love Oweh, but without question I would have rather had Brown and Bolton than the others.
  2. Good chance of it luv. Took a miracle SB win, a offseason of no upgrades, a year of poor oline play and then an embarrassing SB loss to finally overhaul the line. Hope it doesn't take something similar to get Sorensen and Niemann off the field.
  3. Burfict was sorry but he was feared. We got a corp of pansies running back there. Wasn’t House suppose to be a good LB coach?
  4. If that’s the case rotate the crap in and see. It literally can’t be worse.
  5. Swift was the most talented imo, but Taylor’s speed would have been a nightmare. I like both more than CEH.
  6. I’m still not sure we were ever truly rushing LJ. Many times defenses will scheme a contained rush to keep him in the pocket. Force LJ to beat us with his arm….it worked in previous games but we never stopped then enough on O to build a lead big enough to force that. Bad game planning , pathetic adjustments and poor execution doomed the D.
  7. Sorry, I knew you didn’t, was a generalization about some (on a few podcasts this morning etc) . He absolutely will force more but I think this Oline will help even in that area. I also think if we are aggressive we can just a out score at will if we avoid dumb play calls and negative first down runs.
  8. He played a great game. Even the int was only because the defender killed his momentum and he couldn’t follow through or that’s a catch. And even though we hold him to this ridiculous standard he marches us down with ease (we are spoiled at how easily and frequently he does it) and would have easily won had we not called a run play. Something that should have been by far the safer call unless you are the KC Chiefs. You are right though. If the D doesn’t get better then we could see a historic season from Mahomes.
  9. I think our D has fallen prey to the Mahomes effect. What Frank and HB was brought here to change has worn off. I think HB is still fierce and the players respect him because his play backs it up but Clark is done. His attitude isn’t contagious because he no longer is a good player. Run D is a mentality. It’s hard nosed and tough D. We are soft. We’ve grown fat and complacent on teams being forced into being one dimensional and playing from behind because of Mahomes. I think this includes our coaching staff. Errors don’t matter, lackluster effort doesn’t matter, poor game planning doesn’t matter because Mahomes will keep us in the game. He is that good of a player. This team will never be a dynasty though without an identity-less defense. Love Chris Jones but the dude is talented and soft and when it comes to stopping the run he’s not interested in growing his fame because it isn’t flashy. Coaching staff runs out players that are cerebral but are tough or good enough to put that knowledge into practical application to overcompensate for their physical limitations. They coach like their job is eternally secure….because Mahomes. They start guys for years on end that suck and when cheap players are available to upgrade they use the excuse that said player knows the system. Well, that system doesn’t work and really hasn’t worked in years. Sure we can point to a hand full of games in 3 years that the D won the game but people incorrectly assume the money is tied up on the offensive side of the ball so the D is the red headed step child when in fact we spend (more like waste) just as much on D (don’t believe me check out overthecap.com). As much as Veach churns this roster it’s evident Spags doesn’t want upgrades. He’s content and that is a huge problem. Some on here want to point to the O and point fingers. That O scored 28 points and that should be plenty vs injury riddled team. Sure the O could be better but we are in the territory of expecting them to score on every possession and somehow thinking with the same money spent that that improvement is in the same stratosphere of the improvements needed on D that allowed a one dimensional qb with street rbs and backup olineman to hang 36 on us. Willie Gay has some fire and Bolton does too along with HB. I also think Sneed is tough but the rest of this D is soft as wet tissue paper. Maybe this butt whipping is just what this team needs to break out of their Mahomes coma. Dude is otherworldly but we are winning spite of the D not in conjunction with them and it’s been like this for years. Time to coach like your job depended on it, time to play like your snaps depend on it and time to put other guys who are hungry in for guys who have sucked for years yet still get free snaps. Otherwise we are gonna be Green Bay 2.0 and look back in 20 years and realize we squandered away the greatest qb of all time and only have a fraction of the ships we should have won. Wake the flip up!!!
  10. We did struggle tackling last week as well. Sorensen anyone? Problem is sitting behind the dline instead of hitting holes puts you at a disadvantage. You are no longer the aggressor but a tractor. Also when did we start playing the running back in a read option. A couple times we jumped the back forcing the most dangerous runner on the field to keep it. I’ve always leaned you force it out of the qbs hands then string out the rb to the sideline. Not sure what we did this week at practice, because they’ve been doing this for years now on O. Also how does the whole Cochinf staff not see the massive limitations of Ben on film and not want to churn the bottom of the roster for a replacement????
  11. Was it just me or were two offsides on the Ravens on that last TD drive at the goal line. Saw Matt Lane comment on it too.
  12. Technically the O only scored 28. The defense did suck but I’m not sure it was entirely on them. That scheme of Spags ( two weeks in a row) is far less attack and far more contain/bend don’t break. Puts the D on their heals. I’d rather be aggressive and lose than tentative.
  13. Dang it......I can't. In CEH's defense, the shotgun rpos/draws are bad designs for his skill set. He is a patient and hesitant runner and this offense isn't designed for that. It needs a bigger or faster one cut and go back. Apparently his receiving prowess in college has all but disappeared. Another reason you don't waste first round picks on RB's.
  14. I mean Thornhill caused the fumble last week and the pass break up. He tackles better than Sorensen too. But that's Spags boy like Ben so who knows.
  15. I'm not so sure this group of guys couldn't have played better with a more aggressive scheme. Spags got scared of LJ scrambles and snipped the nuts off his defensive players. I don't believe they couldn't get more pressure. I think it was designed as a contained rush. It's why the backers waited in the holes. It was designed to force those long sustained drives and in the event of a big lead force them to pass and not scramble. Problem was he didn't adjust anything just kept Suttoning the crap out of this D. I'm going to bed....the more I think about it the more frustrating it is to give a game away like this. Unacceptable and unnecessary. Be bold or get the flip out of here.
  16. To put it in perspective. We ran against light boxed for a whopping 3.4 yards per carry. They ran against a stacked box for 6.1. I think its ok to criticize CEH some when street vets are gashing us. I truly believe Spags thought a contained rush would win the game and maybe if we were up 3 TD's they would have been forced to pass but he had no answer. He didn't even try and run blitz or if he did he used useless BN to do it. Putrid D. Hope Spags keeps trotting Ben and Sorensen out there the rest of the season though.
  17. We were two hands off away from a Butker chip shot. Even with little to no gains. He literally just had to hold onto the ball....thats it and we win the game. Reminds me of when Phillip Rivers fumbled on Monday Night in FG range. I know its not entirely his fault for the loss but you have to know the situation and protect that ball. That is a division game and you have to win those when you have the opportunity. But yeah Mahomes should have audibled out and passed it.
  18. lol Got home late and had to speed through the first half on gamepass....got caught up mid 3rd and was feeling pretty good....but KC had to go and pull a "rip the defeat from the jaws of victory game on me tonight." So frustrating. Also not saying the refs were the reason we lost but they sure gifted the Ravens some ticky tack calls and I swear the Ravens were offsides twice on that goal line TD drive. LT and RT on consecutive plays both jumped. Maybe i'm getting old and seeing things. Also their LDE was offsides a la Dee Ford without a penalty. Again not blaming them but they didn't help us at all.
  19. I'll be there with my boy and my cousin's family. I hope we bring it for sure!
  20. Currently its not. Frank 26 plus, HB 19.7 , Hill 16.8, Hitchens 10.6, Jones 8.5 , Kelce 7.6 Frank and Hitchens contracts hurt....a lot.
  21. I think they have figured out our D. Our offense scored when need up until the CEH fumble. The two drives before stalled because of those dumb rpo delayed handoffs out of the shotgun to a slow hesitant back. That last drive we were in FG range in 3 plays. I don't think anyone has us figured out. I think we shoot ourself in the foot. Andy is soft and doesn't like to put his former assistants down when he can and it hurts the mentality of this team. CEH isn't a good fit for this team if he isn't being used as a receiver...period. He's not fast enough or decisive enough in his running to really exploit the D. Not sure what is going on there but the faster that is acknowledged the better. I think this offense is going to have to revert back to 2018 until Gay gets back and Spags gets Ben off the field for good. Wouldn't hurt to get Baker up to speed because Ward hasn't looked good either.
  22. Doesn't matter where we line up Chris Jones....He has no help. Frank Clark is trash. I don't fault them signing him and he does bring a good mentality that we needed 3 years ago but we messed up not signing Melvin Ingram or even someone like Justin Houston. Chris needs help and he's not getting any. That was a make shift line and it was meh which leads me to the next point...... I do have a suspicion though. Spags game plan was contain which I hate because I really works against the moral of the D. You can't go all out against LJ you got hard and then fight to maintain your position to force him in the pocket. It worked last year when we built up a good lead and they could abandon the run but slowed up again before we forced that. This is the second game in a row were our D looked very Bob Suttonish. Reactive....very slow and reactive. Bend don't break bull crap. Linebackers are unsure and don't hit holes they literally wait for the back to get in the hole which is an automatic 3-4 yard game at best. Ward just isn't very good and is a liability on the back end. Niemann is a huge liablity and while Dan does make some good splash plays but he he has lost a step and is easily targeted for easy catches.
  23. I knew he was going to go for it immediately. 1:00 to get in FG range is a freaking eternity for Mahomes. We just did it to them in like 3 plays. I think it was smart and not really gutsy at all. Why didn't we sell out and rush.....oh thats right....Spags snipped the balls off all of our defenders before the season started and has been running some Bob Sutton delight these past two games.
  24. I know the players play the game and are responsible for errors and mistakes. I say that to say Andy Reid needs to get over his affinity to not embarrass his coaching tree. Our team is not good enough to get a double digit lead and coast. Its also the Mahomes effect. Just thinking it doesn't matter because we have Mahomes. We can call some stupid plays and Mahomes will bail us out. We should be attacking from beginning to end. We took control and then started to coast. I hate the delayed handoffs or rpo handoffs. Its not a threat because Mahomes isn't going to run those. Just line up and give the running back the ball and let them run down hit and make one cut....if you are going to run the ball. That was a Bob Sutton special tonight....and that is two games in a row. Sit back, react, worry so much about something that our players can't even dictate anything because we are scared to give up a big play and we got our butts handed to us.
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