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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Come on O don't take the foot off the peddle. Ram it down their throat for a TD. Way to go D.
  2. If our D can hold them to a fg or a stop we win this game. Our O is not going to be denied. Just need them to hold their O. Lets go D.
  3. Redemption game for him. Playing well and it couldn't come at a better time.
  4. Bro this is the worst way to get beat. We aren't forcing them to do anything complicated. Easy runs, easy rb passes in the flat. No pressure on 3rd and long. Its ugly effort. Dline looks like crap tonight.
  5. Absolutely brutal defensive performance tonight. 3rd and long and we give him all day to throw? How about sending some pressure and forcing him.
  6. We don't have anyone other than Pennel with any real girth in the middle. We elevated Dickerson over Buggs. Bolton is no where to be scene on those up the gut runs. We don't seem to cover a rb in the flat either. Yikes this is ugly. Hold them to a fg.
  7. This D is no different when all the chips are down. They are just running it up the gut and hitting rbs in the flat and we have no answer.
  8. Are we going to cover Cook in the flat. That is all they have.. Sheesh.
  9. What baffles me is the game plan coming it should have been to force Allen to beat you with his arm vs our secondary. Stopping the run is how you beat the Bills. Yet we come out and play a very non aggressive d and he is throwing to rb's in the flat and our LBs can't make the tackles in the open field before they pick up 6,7,8 and 9 yards. My hope is Spags wanted to keep it close this half and then massively adjust like the Bengals did us a few years ago, not allowing them re adjust at half? I don't know this D looks a lot more like the D's of yesteryear than the D of this year. Oh well, we are 30 minutes from advancing or going home. Hope this team figures it out and gets the job done. Lets go Chiefs!
  10. I'm not saying he is bad, he is not. He is a very good down hill LB but he is a limited player and I've noticed teams down the stretch isolate him in coverage and he isn't good and he is a step slow on those tosses and stretch plays.
  11. Should have been the gameplan form the start but we look like we are running prevent. We bring a DB on pressure that doesn't even sniff Allen.
  12. I hate to say it but Bolton is a liability. He is good versus inside runs but he gets targeted in the pass game each and every game and is too slow to be dynamic on stretch runs. This looks like the D from last year. Absolutely pathetic.
  13. Big stop there! Way to go D. Ok now time for the O to pull their heads out and punch the ball in for a TD. Lets go!
  14. FG aren't going to cut it. Mahomes just missed MVS there but what was Reid thinking calling that reverse that looked to be on the short side of the hill with Hardman. I'm not sure Hardman can be trusted to do anything good.
  15. Just seems odd that we weren't ready to stop the run. Its what this team has leaned on to get to the playoffs. Stop the run and we win the game and we get absolutely manhandled on the first two drives. Interested to see Spags adjustments now. Hope they figure it out.
  16. That was about as pathetic of a defensive effort as I've seen in a couple months.
  17. Not sure what the love affair with Matt Dickerson is but he isn't good. That should have been a no gain and they got 7.
  18. Amazing what a fast rb can do for an o. Bolton a step slow and Reid too.
  19. I'll take the start. D seemed to figure it out in the redzone and O moved the ball with ease until an odd call to CEH and Watson dropping a ball that hit him in the numbers. Hopefully our D settles down now and forces a turnover and our O finishes how they started that previous drive.
  20. It won't be 36 million this is his 2nd tag (Also does that count if they play on the tag or just use it?) I only ask because he resigned on a one year deal. Still the 2nd tag won't be 36 but around 31ish. 100%, trades take time that is why you give them a heads up and allow them to seek it before hand so by the start of FA a team could be in place. Having the cap room to hold onto him helps. What other big need do we have to immediately address in FA? WR, right. That could be managed if we signed a wr to a long term deal, but if we sign a guy like Mike Evans then yeah its more likely he gets cut.
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