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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Pass on Houston. Dude got paid a ridiculous amount of money here and was a total no show in the playoffs and whose contract crippled the team for years.
  2. What has me concerned is the idea that we trot out Wylie, Reiter and LDT and just draft a LT. There is a whole facet of our offense that has yet to be hardly touched and that is the run game and rb passing game. If our Oline was even avg we could have gashed that TB defense by running and passing to our backs, but because the Oline was so poor it didn't give time for routes to develop, or holes to run in. I wouldn't mind seeing 4-5 new faces starting on that Oline next year. Like y'all said let the young guys make mistakes and learn and then we have a good Oline for the next 4-5 years.
  3. Dirty Dan has some sneaky freaky numbers when he tested. They just don't translate and how he ever got 5 million a year is beyond me. Solid depth player but has no busines being a starter. Same for Niemann who should be in the XFL.
  4. With a good to great Oline, we could have exploited their d by running and utilizing our good rbs in the passing game. The SB was the perfect storm for the Bucs. They can talk all the crap they want, they don't any of this team with an above avg Oline. I still would like to be bold and get and good #2 though which will make it that much harder. What I don't hope happens is seeing Wylie, Reiter and LDT as our starting interior OL. Which I have a sick suspicion that we just might.
  5. I would love to have him but some team on that list is going to be able to pay him more than we are and while it would be fun lining him up next to CJ I think its going to be a hard pass.
  6. Teams are gonna wish they kept their mouth shut his off-season about the Chiefs. Chiefs are going to have a chip on their shoulder the size of Everest. I hope Andy let’s them run up the score all year and break records to shut up some of these guppies.
  7. Give me the proven stud who has played with terrible qbs for 16 million instead of two overrated guys who will cost us $10 at least for both and haven’t performed with bad qb play. I would love to address the Oline in FA but outside Moton there aren’t any long term solutions at tackle which is our most glaring need. I don’t wany to overpay for slightly above avg guards either. Robinson is the best value unless you can get Moton to play RT for that money and then you grab some hopeful 3rd tier guy. But there is truth that they might do well with a better qb like Mahomes so if Veach goes this route I’ll trust him.
  8. Allen Robinson tops my list unless Taylor Moton OT doesn’t get tagged. Like y’all said no defense could stop that trio and even if you didn’t invest heavy in the OL in FA with a couple high draft picks the Oline would be miles ahead of last year.....good luck 31 NFL teams. It named KC Chiefs
  9. I don't think the game plan was great nor do I think adjustments were sufficient but regardless that Oline was so bad and the recievers missed opportunities that would have changed the trajectory of the game. It was a cluster for sure. Mahomes can do a lot but he cant block for himself nor catch his own passes. Upgrade that Oline at whatever costs and add another wr weapon and we will be back in the SB barring a laundry list of injuries.
  10. I'm not sure insurance will cover this type of negligence. They definitely would in a normal accident when an employer was a fault. But it depends on policy but I bet they fight tooth and nail to avoid paying anything becuase Britt's action's voided the terms of the policy. We shall see. Hope she gets well and is completely healthy and then she gets her life changed forever with the settlement.
  11. I don't think he can get seperation well at WR. I think he needs to bulk up and be a TE as well. I know I am guilty of this but I think its easy to assign higher value than actual worth to our Practice squad players. Tim Ward isn't playing not because he's a stud but because he's not good enough to beat the guys in front of him and if those guys need to be upgraded then I think Ward is a long term project that probably would be lucky to just make a 53. Same for Pringle. There is an idea that he could be the #2 Wr and I think we saw that he cannot be that guy. He is an excellent ST player and #4/#5 WR. With that said their are guys who occasionally turn out to be diamonds in the rough such as Wharton but Wharton isn't some special player he's a good rotational guy. What is special is where he came from. That is what makes him special. This wasn't aimed at you at all Palangi, just something I realized that I do with these younger guys.
  12. At this point I enjoy getting a rise out of you.
  13. Read somewhere that Nasildreen was super stiff at the Senior Bowl and didn't impress.
  14. I wouldn't mind bringing Taco Charlton back and having Frank, Charlton, Danna, Ward and a draft pick.
  15. Who are some good options in the draft for that hybrid LB/S?
  16. Do we though, we have all dealt with so many miserable moments. 😂
  17. I was clamoring for Rankins to play LT and the rest of the line remain the same. There is no continuity if you move that many people around. Rankings might have sucked but he would have been the guy getting immediate help then Remmers. Still think it was a dumb move.
  18. I don’t think LB is as big of a need as many think. We lit the Bucs up with those two amazing lbs when Mahomes had time to throw. I do think we need to get a coverage back to pair with Gay on Nickel and Dime sets but that guy normally plays 25-30% of the snaps. Not someone you burn a day one or day two pick on IMO. Just replace Nieman and we can tackle Hitchens replacement when his contract permits us to cut his overpriced butt which will be next off-season. OL, DE, & #2 WR via FA and a #3 WR in the draft to groom. Mecole is a gadget player nothing more. S, TE2, & Coverage backers are secondary needs.
  19. His position on this team will ultimately be determined by his holding abilities or lack there of. Reality is this team isn’t built to need great field position. Our offense is too good and paying anywhere more than a 1 million for a punter is not something this team can afford. I think he will be fine. He will learn from his SB jitters and be ready to roll next year.
  20. Neither are going anywhere. Add a DE in FA or the draft and fix that Oline and we will get back barring another year of crappy injuries.
  21. I don’t know if he should be gone but you have to wonder if it’s coincidence Butker started missing when he took over. With that said, he isn’t why we lost.
  22. I think you are right that this is a potential next year problem. We also were running up the score like in years past which gives less pass rush opportunities. With that said another edge rusher will help everyone on the dline. Hoping someone like Jaelan Phillips falls to us at 31.
  23. Chris Evans and Shaw Barrett will both want north of 15 million each. Which they could back load both but that doesn’t include Gronk, David, A. Brown, and Suh. And again with a healthy line we can beat their best group but I hear ya about the Florida tax deal.
  24. Players that can’t control themselves in the biggest moments are not the cerebral players that a dynasty needs to be built around. Again he is Uber talented but nabbing a top 15 pick and dumping that salary could help long term but only if you were able to get a stud DE opposite Frank and sign a guy like Watt. Again I’m curious if y’all think KC would pull the trigger?
  25. I for one hope we don’t. I don’t love every aspect of his game but he’s dominant and is the only true consistent pass rusher on this team. However, if you could net a first and later pick while shedding the 20 million making room for another couple of FAs. My biggest issue is he doesn’t seem like a leader and his blaming the refs after the game over and over doesn’t seem like the kind of mentality that a tough defenses needs. Even though the refs did screw us. Veach designed his contract for this very possibility. Just curious what y’all’s thoughts are.
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