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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I've been wondering. There are rumors that Mahomes likes Reiter....kinda like his boy Dieter always finds his way on the PS. He's a loyal guy and a great guy but i've never seen him look like he did in the 2nd half. It's like he knew he couldn't overcome the crap in front of him. Maybe he needs to let Veach make the moves that are the best for the team. I'm not sure Allegretti can't play center.....I mean Reiter isn't good how bad can Allegretti be?
  2. If Mahomes wants to chase down Brady (which is so much freaking harder now after the loss and the horrible game from Mahomes) then we have to be two dimensional. Two dimensional will make his life so much easier. He won't last 2-3 more years being elite if he has to continually run around like that. Brady sits back and disects.
  3. It was embarrasing tonight. We would have been better rolling with Rankin, All, Reiter, Wylie and Remmers than swapping out 3 guys. Love Andy but dang does he make it hard on himself. TO before half, the team wasn't ready, his game plan sucked when everyone and thier dog knew what the Bucs were gonna do and we had no answers and we had two opportunities to jump up big and early on the Bucs. Yep, I think we can patchwork that D with Taco maybe bring back Ward and Breeland for cheap then draft OT in the first, WR in the 2nd, OC in the 3rd, OG in the fourth. Rookie, Allegretti/rookie, rookie center, LDT/Rankin, Niang Dang this was a missed opportunity and quite frankly might have sealed the deal for Brady as the Goat. Mahomes while not entirely his fault did not look good or comfortable and played his worst game on the biggest stage against the current goat. Not looking forward to all the Brady love for the next 8 months.
  4. Gonna be honest this team needed an embarrasing lose. I think some have bought into the idea that we are infallible and unbeatable. The truth is Mahomes is superhuman and amazing and can overcome a lot but there is another purge on this team than needs to happen. Sorensen, Nieman, every lineman not named Fisher and Allegretti (and he should be a backup) should be cut. Hardman should not be made the focal point of our offense ever. Give him an occasional end around but the dude needs to learn how to run routes or get cut. Toub needs a butt chewing and remove his right to select the bottom of the roster that should be strictly for developing new weapons and olineman. On D we need 3 players and we could be elite. DE, LB, S. Our corners are good enough even if they got screwed tonight. On OL we need a #2, #3 wr and 5 new Olineman. Its a tall task in one offseason with not much room but Veach can do it and he should.
  5. Outside of the one sack.....he pulled a typical Clark showing. With that said the D was balling out until the drive the refs gave them 3 do overs. Crazy to think the score could have been and should have been 7-6 at half. Oh well we got outcoached, out reffed and out played by the better team. Sucks and stings but we will be better next year. No way the Bucs can keep that whole team together they blew their wad getting there and this game is all together difference if we have an even competent oline
  6. Maybe the worse to ever lace them up. Dang they are terrible.
  7. CEH was a wasted pick. Took me all season to get here but he was un utterly wasted pick. If he wasn't a focal point knowing that the Bucs were going to double Kelce and Hill then it was a wasted pick. Veach has assembled a great roster no doubt but reaching for turds in the 2nd round has to stop and taking running backs in the first is a no no....I know he will learn but dang. I'm not sure if there has ever been more hype for a player maybe since Brian Bosworth. And this isn't a dig at CEH...he just isn't utilized enough to be worth that pick.
  8. Wasted the first two possessions trying to force Hardman.....hasn't looked his way the rest of the night. We need a #2 and #3 wr in the offseason.
  9. Their db's have gotten away with murder compared to ours. Its pathetic this ref crew.
  10. Well when you literally can't play defense without being called for phantom calls and every mistake on the O is rewarded with a fresh set of downs. They were far more physical on our wr's but I guess since Mahomes was running around that made it ok. I've counted most plays the defender is arriving before the ball and nothing is called. It's sickening how lopsided this game is.
  11. So no hands to the face on Suh there? Oh thats right its Mahomes not Brady.
  12. Yep. Andy let him down too. This game play was trash to start and there were no adjustments worth crap today. As a father and most of y'all are too. No doubt his son's crap this week have taken its toll on him. This game has been so underwhelming. I actually think the D has played well until the refs broke their spirit with crap calls. Dave Toub should be fired after this game.
  13. Mahomes has gotten zero help tonight. Andy Reid will a bone headed TO to give the refs a chance to gift Brady 7. Toub with a stellar ST performance that gifted them 4 extra points on the fg turned into a TD. So the score would have easily been 20-9 and we kick a fg there instead of have Mahomes run around and hit someone in the hands again. Kelce dropping a 3rd down catch to extend a drive. Hill missing a TD on the first or 2nd drive I forgot. Hardman being a waste of space on the field and the numerous bogus penalties. Everyone let him down today.
  14. We are down 3 TD's and a 2pt conversion and we are running draws?
  15. Tried to save the picture but it was too big but the safety on that int had his hands on Hill before the ball arrived......but yeah lets call it on KC.
  16. Does it seems Mahomes isn't as hyped as last year. Almost like he knows with this Oline that its almost impossible.
  17. They have grabbed and pulled on our Wr's just as much in the first half. All the refs had to do was let them get a lead and call such crap that our D is neutered in the 2nd half. Now they can swallow the whistle and even the calls up when this game is out of hand. This is the season right here.......TD or we are done.
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