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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Yep...they will swallow the whistle this half and their D will grab the crap out of our O. How that call on HB was called or the Jones shove when their Olineman just shoved Wilson after the Wilson....nothing.
  2. I got faith but I think thats ball game. One good thing I hope is we won't be seeing Sorensen, Nieman, or most of this Oline next year.
  3. Wow......Brady runs up to HB but its on HB....right gotcha
  4. Tessero doesn't even bat an eye with the pass int when its Evans foot that causes it.
  5. Dude we deserve to lose this game. We go into half playing a horrible half down 1 score. Now we gift them more points. Wow what a crap show.
  6. Fun fact when she calls the offsides on the made fg which gave them another first down. 3 gifts on taht drive.
  7. Hard to blame them when Schwartz, LDT, Osemele and Fisher all go out with injuries or opt-outs. Well between our oline and the refs this is a pathetic game.
  8. Its why I don't understand why we didn't keep the line the same and just insert Rankin at LT. Wis is pathetic, Wylie is a turnstile and Remmers is getting owned too.
  9. I mean that is the kind of crap called on Ward that negated the int. But lets let the LB jump on Kelce's back before the ball arrives. I don't know what to think. Was gonna be tough already vs the Bucs but throw in the refs and yikes.
  10. Mahomes has no time. I'm sorry but nobody on this line deserves a starting spot next year. NOBODY!
  11. Should be 7-3 with us having a chance to go up 10-7 at half. Absolutely garbage by these refs. The int being called back was one thing but the offside on the made kick is something else.
  12. Bro how is that holding on Ward on the int? Its just as much a push off. It was 3 first downs. How many times do they call offsides on a made fg? Like never.
  13. How are these holds? Ward's hold was just as much a push-off. How was Gronk held there? So apparetnly the lady line judge wants to be apart of the game here? How much is that called on a made fg? Like never, but lets go ahead and call that crap. Gonna be hard to win if the refs are calling everything for the Chiefs.
  14. What the crap? That's just as much on Evan? This is rigged. Sheesh such horse crap!
  15. Of all the games for Andy to not have this team ready......The D has been saving us but how long can they hold up? All of us go out of our way to defend Kelce and he drops a huge 3rd down conversion.
  16. The difference is we weren't ready to play. Andy with a garbage opening script, Mahomes no time, and everyone else droppign the ball except the d. Oh and Nieman blows
  17. How about leave everyone where they belong and put Rankins at LT then protect that one position instead of 3 shuffled ones?
  18. What I don't understand is we have known for two weeks our Oline is hot garbage and its like we designed a game play for a healthy Fisher and Schwartz. Did we really expect Remmers and Wylie to dominate? Hope Andy adjusts quickly. Lets stop focusing on Hardman who doesn't even turn his head and looks lost running routes. Lets figure out how to get Watkins involved. Slants? Quick routes? At least the D is playing tough tonight. That goal line stop was huge. Need to march 99 yards down the field and shove it down their throats!
  19. So we are calling shoves on dlineman now as personal fouls. If we are going to do that then we should just gift this game to Brady. What horse crap is that?
  20. I believe Mahomes is the real MVP but I have no issues whatsoever with Rodgers winning it. What I do have issues with is Josh Allen. Mahomes has better stats with one fewer game minus the rushing stats and had a worse overall record than Mahomes. Oh well. The playoff game showed who he really was. I know everyone think they take the next step next year but they didn't almost win that game vs the Chiefs like we did vs the Pats.....they got demolished and embarrassed on national TV.
  21. Oh he will get bashed.....and he will make those who bash eat crow.....and they will love every second of it!
  22. I'm not sure Darrell doesn't start at RB and see the majority of the snaps. He is the best pass pro RB we got and he aint shabby as a pass catcher. Seen him make some tough catches in big moments.
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