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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Obviously I’m no doctor nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express or whatever hotel chain magically turned me into on. When I read the protocols I was hoping that his practicing meant he cleared the first 3 which would give him a little leeway before Sunday. Hope you are right and reading it correctly.
  2. Why do I have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach even with all this relatively good news about Mahomes. I have Post traumatic Chiefs disorder I think........those mid 2000s really shook me lol.
  3. Sorry that wasn’t meant as a harsh reply to you post. Just reread it and that was not my intent. Just tired of hearing that as a reason they lost.
  4. The optimist in me reads the Adam S post as meaning he’s passed phase 1,2 and possibly 3 already. Meaning he has two more to clear this week. The pessimist in me reads it as he passed phases 1 and 2 and must pass the three hardest phases in consecutive days with only Saturday as a final day to clear the protocol. I also believe he got a mild concussion. Here is hoping for a miraculous recovery.
  5. It might have 7 points but there was plenty of time left for Mahomes to get in FG range. We had a to and a minute. I agree that Dan’s hit was probably illegal according to the letter of the law but it wasn’t a dirty play. Furthermore Hunts dropping of the helmet on HB was far more egregious and dangerous as it was head on and that my friend would have probably ended their TD drive. If we are dissecting plays that shouldhave been called by the letter of the law then both were missed. One missed call per each team.
  6. I wondered this as well. All the talk last season maybe has him feeling he can be picky, which maybe he can. Look I wouldn't want to take over some of these dumpster fires because even when there is talent the front office or ownership just screws it up. Remember when the Chiefs were in on Manning supposedly but he wouldn't even give us the time of day. Why would he do that? Because he knew it was a toxic environment at 1 Arrowhead drive and he made the right choice even though I felt like we had the more talented roster. The Texans job is complicated because they could hire you and that still doesn't mean you get Watson which is the only reason someone like EB would even consider the Texans job.
  7. I hope we bring him back next year as a swing tackle/depth on the iol. He is very versatile. Fisher, Rankin, Rookie, LDT, Niang (Which this oline doesn't just blow me away and I can't see Reid rolling with 3 rookies on the right side so maybe a FA OG to fight with Rankin?) Remmers, Allegretti, Durant, Prince Tega
  8. If you are one of these teams more than likely you have bigger problems than worrying about the Chiefs getting extra picks. If that is the reason that person is leading scared and that fan base should want nothing to do with them.
  9. Think there was 1:21. More than enough time for them to score from the 50. As for the other 4th down....can’t know Butker was going to miss. Had he not missed we would have punted with an 8 pt lead. Pretty ballsy IMO.
  10. Not sure if the Browns are bad but there were some huh cut back lanes yesterday. Not sure the Bills are much better against the run. Even if we had to run with Henne there is a path to victory if CEH is healthy and Reid is on his game. Would obviously be tough but we split against a good GB and Vikings team last year with Moore and that Vikings D was a good bit better than this Buffalo D. With Mahomes and a good run game this game could be a blow out.
  11. Not suppose to do them during this stretch. I think there is a window after the season ends before playoffs start that current staff can interview (could be wrong) but after a certain point its not allowed unless both team owners agree or something like that. The Chiefs are a class organization and would never stop it but the request should give EB cause for concern.
  12. Well that’s the best we could hope for at this point.
  13. It was helmet to helmet but the rules are the rules. Hope they change it in the off-season. We’ve been screwed by more of those called than we’ve benefited but they missed it. It would have still been 19-10 at half the TD would have stopped the clock giving Mahomes the same amount of time he needed to March down the field.
  14. If you win this year I think maybe you gamble a little and convert that and try and sign a DE, OL orWR and make a run at a three peat!
  15. I’m going to be honest for a split second the way he landed and then looked standing up I thought he had a serious neck injury like careers ending. Obviously it was just a split second but I was like we just can’t have nice things. Thank goodness that wasn’t the case.
  16. Loved this pick up!!! If he can get healthy has lots of potential and worse case is our swing tackle. Love that and the Callaway signing too!
  17. I’m glad you said something I’m normally like that too but really thought it was Rankins. 😂
  18. Making the all pro at two positions in the same year and winning the Sb then following it up with an all pro year and 6 pics is a good start but he can’t have any bad years these next two. I think if he can string together two more straight all pros and in spags D and Mahomes he can do it or at least has the opportunity to then he can get in. Shows up big in big games!
  19. But if that happened why did they rule it a concussion and he couldn't come back? I'm no doctor so hoping there is a legit explanation but it would seem once consciousness is regained and he was in the lockeroom he wouldn't have the same symptoms or was it a little of both. Choke out and whiplash? I just pray he's good to go next week!
  20. Doesn't that spread it out over the next 4-5 years though? Which is cool next year but not great when that high 30 million jumps to 44-45.
  21. How many more years does he have to play like this year and last to get in? 2? Or does he need to do it more? Just curious what y'alls thoughts are? Dude is a straight up baller.
  22. True but if the cap drops like some think there aren't a lot of options to get below it. Damien, Schwartz and Fisher are the most notable guys for creating space. That and reworking HB.
  23. I'm not saying I think they are bad coaches but the last two years haven't been great for him. Wentz being constantly hurt hasn't helped.
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