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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I know we probably don't like this idea but I could see us grabbing the best edge in the first as its the best value. Grabbing or moving up in the 2nd for the center we want. Grabbing a wr in the 3rd and depth after that. Rankins/Durant at LG, LDT at RG Rookie at C With Fisher and Niang. Problaby bring Remmers back along with Allegretti for depth. I don't think we go three rounds without adding a weapon to replace Watkins and DE is the missing piece to this D being possibly top 5. We have done well this year with not much pressure which is amazing.
  2. I get that. I'm stoked we won too. A playoff win is a playoff win and the entire team came together to finish it. Those last 8 minutes, I don't want to know what my BP was lol. I love Reid and he is genius of a coordinator and I love the gutsy call too. Got the win and it looks like there is a decent chance Mahomes will play next week. So far so good.....let the good news continue.
  3. Fixing that Oline will make Pringle and whoever we have playing wr #2 & #3 look a lot better. Ask Aaron Rodgers and GB.
  4. Kinda debunks this idea that teams won't wait for their choice....kinda. It is literally 3 weeks from today.....finding the right guy for your organization is worth the wait.
  5. I think the worst thing he has going for him is Doug Pederson and Matt Nagy haven't faired real well lately and most believe Andy is the brains behind the machine. That is a hard criticism to shake until you prove otherwise and how can he prove that here? I think EB probably makes Andy think about running it more than he wants which is good and he's a great motivator as attested to by the players, but I am far more concerned with losing Spags and Daly and maybe even Sam Madison than EB.
  6. I think Damien is a cut candidate as we can save 2 million by cutting him. I'm good with CEH, Williams and late round draft/udfa developmental guy.
  7. I would like to get another developmental guy later in the draft or udfa as the #3....one with a little juice. Williams was awesome but he missed some cut back holes that you could drive a mack truck through. He's a valuable back and I love the way he plays but the idea of him being the only guy or the only legit guy if CEH goes down for a long stretch is a little much for me.
  8. Let us hope it is this. I know I'm biased but it really does appear this could be that.
  9. Been saying it for two months now. Need another DE opposite Frank and two OL. Gay will step up, Sneed will be CB#1 and Thornhill will be back to form next year. Our D will be better if we get a competent pass rusher opposite Clark. The O only needs some OL to making the running game relevent and give Mahomes 1 extra second. Replacing Sammy would be nice but upgraded OL will make more of a difference. Everything else is icing.
  10. I know we disagree on this and I understand. I just feel play calls like that are unnecessary and put our key to all this in harm's way. Hope he's ok for next week because we have a really great chance of repeating this year!
  11. Um the qb options on 3rd and 3 was far worse than the FG decision. Had Butker made it the end of the game wouldn't have needed a crazy run and ballsy 4th down call to win it.
  12. Because he had the balls to go for it on 4th and 1 at mid field and got it does not mean he was awesome today. This wouldn't have even been an issue had Reid knows 1st and 25 means you can probably get 8-10 yards running and put yourself in range for a game sealing fg instead of having your backup qb throw 40 yards down field into good coverage....a legit yolo throw. And if we got back before that calling a qb options on 3rd and 3 or 4 with momentum shifting and expecting your qb to make the smart and safe decision when he is the most competitive person in the building is not awesome but rather ignorant, negligent and stupid. Even if we don't get that first down and punt and they go up.......Mahomes could easily will us to victory. Now this entire season hangs in the balance because of that play....that singular play. I love Andy and he is awesome as a coach but today he was stupid and today is further proof why it takes a qb like Mahomes to overcome his playoff jitters/butterflies/idiocy at times. Great win....we gave ourselves a chance to repeat but this game wouldn't have been close had Mahomes not got injured. Yes I know its a fluke play but it is not necessary.
  13. My one glimmer of hope was he ran off quickly and didn't looked dazed and even looked coherent in the tent. Obviously I'm no doctor and this might mean nothing but it has to be better than not doing this.
  14. This! Would be a miracle if he gets cleared and we are screwed without him. Seriously this Super Bowl was ours for the taking and because Reid put Mahomes in a position to make a hyper competitive decision we might miss it. This whole season and we might miss out because of a concussion. Praying he gets cleared.
  15. I'm a firm believer his patient running style does not mix well with our bad oline play. We do better with a full throttle hit the hole or make one cut and burst style rb which Williams is.
  16. Yep all those misdirection shuffle passes to gain 2-3 maybe 4 and put it in 3rd and 4 instead of 3rd and 15-16 now?
  17. Can Reid not draw up something simple for Henne to generate yards there so he doesn't take that sack?
  18. Williams had a cut back lane the size of texas and couldn't hit it. Love his tough running style but he's not great.
  19. Just said that to my cousin. Reid call up an intricate safe pass or shuffle to Hill or Hardman and get one first down and this should be a wrap. I would strongly consider elevating Moore next week. The only thing Henne couldn't do there was turn it over. 1st and 25 is at worst 3 runs that take 2:30 minutes off the clock and give us a long fg. Oh well he can redeem himself here. 1 first down!
  20. Seriously we had the game with 10 yards of rushing on 3 rushes on 1st and 25......it would have been easy.
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