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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. NFL is hoping and praying EB gets a job because the mainstream media is going to flip out if he doesn't get a job. Now this could very well be EB being picky and selective but they won't see it like that. As far as losing Kafka....meh. Andy runs this show and pumps out these guys year after year. The true genius lies between his ears, the decision that should eventually worry us is who will take over for Reid down the road.
  2. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he gets passed over again. The narrative is going to be he couldn't start being the coach for a couple weeks and that is attractive to teams. But lets get real, a top 10 potential coach is worth waiting for especially when the good ones last 10-15 years. I have a feeling the guy doesn't interview super well and most teams still have doubts about who is the real mind behind our offense. I personally think he would make a wonderful coach even if he doesn't quite have the offensive mind of Reid. Hope I'm dead wrong but it doesn't sound like any team is hot on his trail.
  3. That has to benefit us because none of the others have won anything but a single playoff game.
  4. Like a few of y'all said. He's trying to hype himself up but he's not smart enough to realize that by him saying this it brings back up a part of his past that he needs to die and not be spotlighted. So in essence he drug back out his own skeletons....smh. With that said, the Browns allowed noodle arm Big Ben to throw for 500 yards and 4 TD's. They went up 28 on a defensive TD and 3 first half ints and after that lost all momentum and when Mike Tomlin went yellow bellied coward and punted on 4th and 2 the Steelers lost momentum again. With all that the Steelers still had a chance until Ben tossed his 4th int of the game. What is Mahomes going to do with Hill, Kelce, Watkins and Bell? As long as the Offense doesn't have a full first half of rust and get behind to much, which would allow Hunt/Chubb to milk the clock, we should be fine. Our defense isn't a stout as the Steelers and the Browns will have their coaches back but I still feel confident we boat race them from the get go and force Baker into a track race they can't keep up with.
  5. Read somewhere that he's a little soft and gets blocked easily.
  6. Nice win Handswarmer. Your team is too well coached to not win some playoff games. That run was electric too. Head scratcher by Vrabel not going for it on 4th and 1-2 though with a chance for the lead. Gonna be a good game between y'all and the Bills. Good luck.
  7. 5 TO's and they were still in the game up until that last int. Just let that sink in. Also Mayfield had a pick-six dropped by stone hands Nelson and a near pick six by Edwards. Throw in Mike Tomlin's stepping on his skirt on that 4th and 2 in the 2nd half when they had all the momentum is another head scratcher. The Browns are a good team but if we play our game we win by 14. Can't run the ball when your down mulitple TD's.
  8. Indy's offense looked like an Alex Smith flash back. No down field passes and they still couldn't stop Rivers until the last drive.
  9. I know right. He can't even throw sideline out routes. He lost 4-5 seconds on the hang time on those throw aways. Yikes
  10. If either one of these teams scare you then your not a playoff team. The Colts had to choke this game away to allow the Bills to win. We will dominate this team because our offense isn't within 10 yards of the LOS and if the Colts can score 24 points on you with Rivers at QB we could hang 50 on a good day.
  11. Lol as poorly coached as the colts have been today they have a legit shot to win this. 3 min left and 1 timeout down by 3.
  12. If they don't get those two chunk run plays he never leads them down for the TD.
  13. What are the Colts doing? That is 7 points left on the field for stupid reasons. They would be down 1 point had they just taken the fgs? The first they were up the second they just missed. Why go for two there and then run to the right (opposite Nelson). It truly reminds me of the Chiefs of old. They feel the need to do special stuff to win because they don't think they can and at the end of the day all they had to do was play the game and they would be in to win. With all that said.........I love it as a Chiefs fan for all those years they beat us.
  14. Rivers is like Smith....can't do anything farther than 10 yards down field. Such a limiting way to play and makes it so easy for the D.
  15. How do you leave your backup DB 1v1 vs one of the best wr's in the league.
  16. Colts remind me of the Chiefs a few years back. Solid D, Decent O and just making mental mistakes all over the place Should be 21-16 right now had their DE not jumped off sides, gone for the fg instead of the 4th and goal and not missed the fg they would be in this game. Dumb coaching and execution.
  17. Toray their DE jumped off sides on that drive on 4th down......got flash backs of Ford lol.
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