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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Should have taken the 3 points early. Josh Allen is a baller but he's doing the same thing people nit pick Mahomes about.
  2. Just turned on the Indy/Buff game. Buff has a chance to score on this long drive before half but wasn't Buffalo playing at a different level. Gonna destroy everyone? I think they are what we all thought they were. A good team that was beating bad teams.
  3. What is the percent of BB disciples that have worked out? Flores? Patricia, BoB, McDaniels, Pioli, have all ruined franchises. There never was a Patriot way, only the greatest coach and qb of all time playing well together. Andy and Mahomes have a chance to take that title because BB isn't getting that thing rebuilt anytime soon.
  4. Yeah not a good look to tell your qb that he has a say then not even interview the guy/s he says he’d like you to look at. Watson doesn’t have a say but after allowing Bob to dismantle your team after he should have fired and then hiring another goon from NE would be tough for anyone to swallow.
  5. Every team is concerning as any of these teams have the ability to beat us. I think the Packers because they have an elite qb. Everything can go wrong and that guy/like our guy can have an awesome game and they still win by double digits. All the other teams without one have to play darn near perfect to beat us and even then we are still in those games. Hopefully all this talk about the Bills has gotten the Chiefs ready to play in the playoffs. Hoping for a complete thrashing of the AFC to shut some of these jokers up.
  6. Do we know it is just a broke femur could there be more damage they haven't found yet? Obviously the femur is serious and needs to be dealt with first but curious if that was all. Hoping so, but not sure you can count on him for start of season. Maybe can count on solid depth player for 2021 which is the best possible news considering how bad that looked.
  7. Not sure why AFCwest facepalmed you bro. He must have confused that button with space bar or return or something because he uses it a lot. This was a big game for him and Pringle and Robinson got more targets and did more than Hardman. That fumble was huge when your playing backups vs starters. Even without that he just hasn't developed after two years into anything much more than a better version of Dexter McCluster or any other gadget player we've had over the years. I often wonder if the KC brass knew after his first year because we were rumored to be in on Ruggs if he fell. Not saying he can't get it figured out but there has been very little progression in his game since we drafted him. Hope I'm wrong but my guess is we will address a #2 and #3 wr in the offseason and he will remain the gadget player backup speed wr.
  8. Dang had hoped Baker would give us the freedom to bring back Breeland or Ward and not have to invest a ton of capital in that position. Hopefully two weeks will allow Gay to be back, if for no other reason for depth because we have none there. We haven't had Baker all year so its no big deal this year with him out but again was hoping we'd get a first round talent for nothing and maybe train him up for some comp picks down the road.
  9. Ok fellas and ladies if there are any here, I didn’t get to watch the game today. Can someone tell me what happened to Gay and Baker? How serious and is there a chance for either to be back for the playoffs or the start of next year? Thanks for the info.
  10. I’d take Wyatt Davis in the first in a heartbeat: You know how much better Fisher plays with a stud next to him, not sure he’s never had one but when that has been decent he’s a way better player. I know the value isn’t great but I guarantee you the colts aren’t disappointed in taking Q. Nelson. Find a way to get J Kelce and our Oline is instantly way better.
  11. With Landons major injury, his second, I’m not sure he will go top 1-2 round. Kelce would allow him all of 2021 if needed to heal but if he comes back sooner and wins the job Kelce is a great backup. He’s only making 5 million and if he a cut he won’t even make that if we bring him in.
  12. I was meaning like a 7th rounder. Sometimes teams don’t cut a player before the draft and that is one position we can’t afford to wait and see about.
  13. Packers just lost David Baktari (sp) for the year with a torn acl in practice. I think resting players isn't a bad thing. Especially how banged up we are. We are a team that can over come a bad quarter and even a bad half. Most teams can't claim that. Rest them and lets roll!
  14. With Landon's injury he has a chance to be first OC...smart move, but he was probably declaring regardless. I wouldn't mind trading a low round pick to the Eagles for Kelce (rumors are they might cut him) and then draft Landon later on to take over in a year or two.
  15. I'm not all that interested in finding a replacement for Sammy that we will have to replace in two years, unless we draft a young guy that can learn for a year to be the replacement. Otherwise we are wasting years of learning the system without getting someone who knows the system in and out and can be counted on long term.
  16. We get this oline fixed this offseason and that will be next year.
  17. I was thinking the other day that teams might not wait for him if we make a deep run. Also with Nagy and Peterson struggling a bit this year if the question of who is really orchestrating this O from a play calling standpoint is still a concern. I assumed he would be given some teams keys for sure but I thought the same last year too.
  18. I think I’d rather have Allen Robinson than Michael Thomas. I know we all joke about Thomas and running slants but that is a majority of what he does. Allen has been producing in purgatory and I think would replace what Watkins does better.
  19. I go back and forth. Do we try and sign or trade for an upgrade at Center which would free up the draft or is there a stud future All-Pro caliber center in the draft. The former would all us to take just one IOL early and then a developmental guy later with the assumption that Niang can be an upgrade over Remmers at RT. We could nab a WR and DE with the other top picks. I kinda think we will try and resign Sammy again, but it gets harder and harder to swallow his injury prone month long misses. But maybe if we draft a wr high enough it would be the final band aid. No way he gets more than 8-9 million after this year and last years performance. If we are going to spend money on wr's, why not Allen Robinson. Get that guy out of purgatory in Chicago. What is more likely is Corey Davis a former 1st round underperformer that might do well being the 3rd option. Bonus is a speedy guy and could be had for a lot less than all three other options.
  20. Busted pick considering he was a 2nd round pick imo. Guys like that are considered good picks in the 4th and 5th round.
  21. Totally agree. This team made its decisions on who was going to be highly paid and who were going to be the stars. Mahomes, CJ, Clark, HB, Hill, Kelce, Hitchens, Fisher and Watkins. We can get out of Waktins but the cap shrinking washes that. Hitchens we are stuck with for another year and I think Fisher too (which isn't as bad as Hitchens imo). I imagine Veach could swing one more 10 million a year player like a wr or OL if needed but our depth and bonus star players are going to have to come from the draft, udfa, or low end trades.
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