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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Hope he's ok but I'm glad he's off the field. Dont' even care what the results are or will be.
  2. When has a cutesy play actually worked? I can't remember the last time one did.
  3. Doesn't help Hitchens is out and Niemann is on the field the entire time also. Chris Jones forces a pathetic throw and our LB's can't cover a duck ball pass.
  4. Maybe the best thing to happen to us is to lose to the Falcons. Would be humiliating and embarrassing. Talking heads will stop blowing smoke up their butts and people will start talking trash. Maybe, just maybe that will light a fire under this team.
  5. Sorensen whiffing on the tackle and taking Breeland out of the play that would have been a 10-15 yard reception. Don't care what anyone says. Will be glad the day Sorensen and Niemann are no longer on this team.
  6. Deep developing routes with a bad oline is always a recipe for disaster. Yet we do it week in and week out.
  7. We better play the entire game next week. Taking a week off and we might get blown out in the playoffs. What a sluggish start. Oline still looks pathetically weak. We gained 11 yards on 4th and 1 before and this time we try a very complicated pass route with Mahomes running deep into coverage. A recipe for disaster.
  8. Yeah Fisher isn't going anywhere next year. I think Schwartz retires which frees up 8-9 million. I do think we draft Fisher's replacement this year. If there is a guy that drops or a talented raw guy we probably draft him with the added picks we will have from EB. I think we will have 4 in the first 3 rounds and 4 in rounds 4 and 5. Plenty to add some solid depth to this roster. I think we target a capable OC starter in this draft and a OG and then fill the rest with the likes of Rankins, Osemele, and LDT.
  9. Saw somewhere that Tyron could fall to the 2nd. Could still potentially get a Creed Humphrey at OC, Joe Tyron at DE, and fill in the rest of the OL after that. We have lots of picks this draft assuming EB lands somewhere. Could potentially fill Watkins with Watkins or another vet on a one year deal. I think fixing the center position would solidfy the entire IOL. Not sure Allegretti is the answer though.
  10. I think the Chargers are the most desirable because they already have what looks like a franchise qb, good weapons, and a stout defense. He has 3-4 years before Herbert gets a new contract. The Jags would be second, the Cowboys 3a and the Texans 3b. I agree though with a good coach they become already more formidable than they already are.
  11. I would still like to draft a OC that is as close to can't miss as possible in the first two rounds. The rest of this I like a lot.
  12. Got better picks and will have more time with a rookie qb. Obrien screwed over the Texans ability to draft this year and they will want instant results. You already have huge contracts on that Oline and with Deshaun. While its better than say the Jets job, I think the Jags job is more enticing now. Draft Trevor, you have Shenault and Chark and Robinson. Draft oline and bring in FA Olineman and you got the makings of a solid team without tons of pressure.
  13. No, one this year and one next year. Interesting though because Poles is a candidate for a GM spot as well. However I think he is a year or two removed from actually getting one. Those picks are huge as we need to fill a roster with cheap talent the next couple years and Veach seems to have a knack for hitting on mid round picks. Or could be used to move back up for players he wants.
  14. I think he absolutely deserves a job but I'm not all that concerned with him leaving.
  15. Lots of worrying going on here. I’m worried that you worry that he doesn’t worry about worrying. Worrisome to say the least.
  16. We just need to put Atlanta away and seal the deal. Not that it really matters but wrapping it up probably means Mahomes aint getting 5,000 or the MVP though he deserves it. Would love for Mahomes to go out and hang 400 and 6 TDs on ATL, but I'll take the win and they bye. That bye gives us a chance to get Remmers, CEH, and possibly Schwartz back with Rankins maybe getting up to speed. Two years in a row two basement dwelling teams beat contenders (supposedly contenders) to help us seal the bye.
  17. I thought Remmers looks pretty good up until that last game, in which he might have gotten hurt. I like Remmers at RT way better than Wylie or Durant. And you might as well pencil Wylie in on that Oline.....he is the offenses Ben Niemann.
  18. My hope is that Bell dominates the last couple games and can create a market for himself next year that could help net us a 4-5th round comp pick. Right now he'd be lucky to get a 3/15 deal. Which at that rate I wouldn't mind bringing him back. Damien Williams would save half that in a cut. Damien Williams has more speed but isn't elusive at all. Wonder what you guys think. If we could get Bell for 3/15 or stick with Damien Williams at 2.5 million.
  19. I could be misremembering but didn't they let Bo's injury linger to long and it allowed the blood circulation to be cut off to his leg. Or maybe that is the danger in hip injuries. Look at Tua. Similar injury and he wasn't even out a full year. Still a QB is different that the wear and tear and cuts made by a running back.
  20. But the supposedly slow one is making all the plays while the cerebral one is missing all the plays, but because the cerebral player knows where to stand presnap lets play him.
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