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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Mahomes 4462 / 36 / 5 - 2 rushing TD's 4462 / 38 total / 5 ints Rodgers 3828 / 40 / 4 - 3 rushing TD's 3828 / 43 total / 4 ints Had he only thrown 2 ints in the Miami game I think he would clearly be in the lead. Right now I still think it's too close to call but this weekend helped Mahomes. Rodgers had 143 and 2 total Td's against a far inferior D. If Mahomes can be within 2-3 total TD's and Rodgers can toss one more pick then I think Mahomes has it in the bag.
  2. I think Green Bay. Brees is a shell of himself but we don't get enough pressure with our front 4 to cause guys like Rodgers problems. He would light up our secondary. Elite passers are our biggest hurdle to repeat and at this moment it looks like only Rodgers. Now I totally think we can beat GB and if its a blow out its us blowing them out but elite passers give this D a hard time. Tennesse would be a close 2nd as they are playing really well. I don't buy Buffalo because Josh Allen isn't accurate enough and their D isn't good enough to slow us down.
  3. Fisher is more talented so it looked worse, but he was dealing with an injury. Wylie got abused over and over and over again which is to be expected but I liked neither the same. Both were bad.
  4. It does suck because Niemann is so darn terrible. How can other players, coaches, his own freaking family not watch game film and see how utterly terrible he is. Where is Frank Clark and HB telling Spags......."Look bro, we can cover Gay's mistakes but he will flash enough to make up for at least a few...........we are playing a man down with Niemann."
  5. 1% better than Danna and Kpass......that's hilarious. Frank Clark was never going to be DT and get you 15 a year. Yes he is paid like that but he is a solid all around DE that carries a certain swagger this D needs. Its a mental toughness and attitude that is contagious and needed. CJ is the clown, but he can't rally guys like Frank and HB. I'm disappointed in his play this year but he will bounce back and if we could add someone consistent opposite him I think you would see similar production like we saw from Tamba Hali when he had Jared Allen and Houston. If a stud DE is there at 32 then take him if not maybe add a Everson Griffin type vet for one year and draft a developmental raw twitchy athlete in the 3rd or 4th. The rest of the focus needs to be OL, WR and TE 2.
  6. I disagree. OL I agree with but pass rush is the 1b. We need another DE opposite of Clark that can deliver consistently. The very best coverage LB's in the league get burned more often than not. Coverage LB's don't phase our team and don't see the field but like 30% of the time. I think we all have Niemann fatigue. A sack of flour out there would make us have visions of DJ. We draft any guy with some bend and speed to play opposite Frank and our D will jump 5 spots in the ranking, and it will make our DBs, Ss, and LBs look a lot better.
  7. I agree they are very good, but they played 5-6 in the box all night with two deep safeties and dared us to run. As good as they are the don't have 4 all pro's on that line. Good Olines can open up holes in 5-6 fronts especially when you have talented running backs like we have. I think under the circumstance they did as good as can be expected but most of our success in the run game came outside the tackles not inside which most of us have been calling for, for weeks. Mahomes moving around also helps. I just worry because Mahomes is so good that we ignore it again this offseason and eventually it gets Mahomes hurt. They have an incredible D and we hung 32 on them and our Oline is as pathetic as it can be and we hung 32. Our D which is slightly above average made enough plays for us to win. If we could catch the ball they might have gotten 17 today. Point is give Mahomes a better line and lets go break the NFL with it. We have yet to see a great game by our O and we are dominating. Also it protects the investment. Sorry that wasn't aimed at you just a general rant.
  8. Disagree. A good line would have blown holes in that light box. Last week the Eagles ran for over 200 yards and our skill players are way better than theirs. I do agree we have to run more but we have to do it creatively. Draw plays up the gut dont' work as running backs don't have a head of steam and there are no holes.
  9. I honestly think it was thrown behind the wr which turned out advantageous because Sneed was expecting the continuation. Nieman and Breeland on that drive and then allowing father time back in the game again.
  10. Did he tear his hammy off the bone? Is that possible or did he tear his groin. It was the prone position afterwards that scared me.
  11. Tired of watching Lattimore act all bad when he's got safety help and the whole d is schemed to stop his man. lol Dude could never cover Hill 1v1.
  12. That was such bull crap too. Dude answered a question and guys turned on him. When he's probably earned most on his team millions in contracts.
  13. They cannot score on a long field on this D. The only time they did we dropped a gift int and had two big penaltlies. Otherwise Brees is finished. Can't afford TO's.
  14. It's like we refuse to take what the D gives us. Like we are bound and determined to beat them at their game. We had them down and out and now they have all the momentum. Again wildly frustrating team to watch at times. Veach get on the phone and call Niang, Warford and might as well call Roaf. They can't be worse than what we are running out there.
  15. Why? We go back to deep intermediate routes. Why not get our MVP QB killed when we are up 14.
  16. I like getting Bell involved now before the playoffs. Want him engaged and hungry. He's been a great teammate so far but few touches can get to anyone.
  17. It's more impressive here with our Oline. If by some miracle we can get Schwartz back healthy and Rankins healthy in time for the playoffs what is already a daunting offense could be a hot knife through butter to a back to back SB.
  18. I know its been said but can y'all imagine this O as amazing as it is with a competent Oline. CEH and Bell would give all 32 teams hell themselves let alone as a complement to Mahomes. I'm gonna pray, yes pray for Schwartz back this week.
  19. Can we not block a gunner. Hardman could actually make a move but someone is in his lap every time. WIth that said. Fair catch bro.
  20. Yeah Mahomes needs to realize that this is a dink and dunk game and we can easily win like that. When he keeps targeting Hardman (someone who runs bad routes and can't be trusted to catch contested balls) he is playing into the Saints strength. Hit CEH in the flat and let him shake and bake someone for the first.
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