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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Why does Hardman go vertical on those crossing routes...everytime. Not sure it would have mattered but that could have been intercepted because he didn't continue.
  2. Again it's a fluke the Saints even have 15 points. Hoping Mahomes smells blood in the water and goes for the jugular.
  3. What an adjustment and what great insight by Romo. Great drive. So wildly frustrating....they are so good they just flip the switch. We are this good with possibly the worst line in Chiefs history (or so it seems).
  4. And what does he do.....he goes and completely redeems himself. Lol great catch Hardman!!!
  5. You call pass interference on Sneed whey Taysom pushes off, CJ is an idiot and gets a 15 yard penatly and we can't catch a simple pass. Seriously. They have one big pass play the first half and Robinsons idiocy and then we can't execute. They should have 0 points. Brees is garbage and their Oline is patchwork but gives him all day even when we blitz.
  6. Oline fixes all fellas. If Mahomes has time he almost always delivers. If the oline is better we gash these fools running the ball. Scary thing is this might be what our Oline looks like moving forward.
  7. He doesn't have time to breathe and the routes are just forever long.
  8. We are ridiculously talented and wildly undisciplined. I cannot phathom why we are running deep developing plays vs this D. They are running two deep safeties inviting us to run or hit intermediate over the middle and Reid refuses. Who can cover Hill on a slant with his speed or Kelce? We throw to our backs and get good yards but then go away from it. Our entire ENTIRE Oline sucks. Fisher is getting straight owned, over and over. Our wr's can't catch our D falls asleep when they are pitching a shut out for one play and father time Brees heaves up a prayer. We cannot put teams away. Drops by the wr's and Robinson doing the only thing you can't do there. Glad we are up 5 but we should be up way more.
  9. For being a genius he often has these games were our Oline can't protect and he's running plays that require 4-5 seconds to develop. The middle of the field is wide open with the two deep safeties. Either run it, screen it or run some freaking slants like every other team when they face this crap. Mahomes is too good for the dumb play calling to limit him.
  10. His units have sucked the past couple years when you consider he gets to choose bottom roster guys for his unit.
  11. Mahomes has no time. Why does Andy run such deep routes? Screens? Slants? Put Hill on one side nad run a quick slant? Who could cover that? But lets draw up complex time consuming plays when our Oline sucks.
  12. Gotta get off the field here and let our O put 7 more on the board before half. Come on D.
  13. I think he could play better at LB than Nieman.....check that. He could with ease.
  14. Rankins practiced this week so not sure if he just doesn't look good but its never great when a guy from another team battle back from injuries gets touches before he does. Gotta believe Kilgore would be a better option this week when we need to run to win.
  15. Our Oline limits so much of what this offense could do. Normally with CEH we should be running 4-6 yards a clip with ease on this front but our front 5 can't blast holes vs 4 dlineman. We would literally be unstoppable if our Oline was just slightly above avg.
  16. I hate those deep draw plays to Darrell Williams. We aren't good enough to run inside on this D.
  17. Looks like the intermediate middle of the field is wide open.
  18. Blown coverage by HB there. I look for our D to bounce back. Brees can only hit guys that far down field if they are open by 5 yards. Our O needs to punch another one in. Their D won't be able to last 4 quarters at this pace.
  19. I agree with the DE. Hitchens is on this team regardless and his play has been very solid this year and gay will be playing 3 downs next year. Not much room except for a WLB which can be found later in the draft for 30% of defensive snaps. I think a DE opposite of Clark would transform our Dline into something like New Orleans, Steelers, Chargers, etc. I'd be fine with DE, OC, OG, OT, WR
  20. I wouldn't mind a total overall of this Oline. 3 Olineman in the first 3 picks. Trade Fisher for a bag of peanuts and Schwartz retires. Go out and get a guy or two. D will get better just because of another year of experience. This New Orleans team shows you that you can have a top 2 D and it doesn't matter versus great O's. Our D is sufficient. Now lets make this O historic.
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