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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Yeah they spend more type yelling back at Mahomes to watch out as they get blown up.
  2. Yeah he has played well minus last week. We need him back. Durant is horrible.
  3. Totally agree. I'm not bagging really just calling it what I saw. Still pretty amazing for a horrible day by his standards. He is so much fun to watch.
  4. This! For someone who is suppose to know what to do....if you watch Niemann he just runs around in circles and is never hardly involved in the play until it's 5 yards down field. He had one tackle for a 2-3 yard stop which was a great play for him. He can't cover backup TE's, he can't blitz or pressure or tackle or catch the easiest int of all time. Where again does this intelligence pay off for us. Give me the wild man that runs around knocking peoples heads off and missing an assignment or two but gets you a couple TFL, sack, int, or PD.
  5. It's relative. He sucked today. Both tipped passed were bad decisions regardless of the outcome. Watch the Kelce tip....he goes for 0 yards gained because the dl was hugging him. CEH was wide open in the flat. The other tipped pass was way high and CEH is short. Another bad decision. Last pass was not good. For Mahomes standards he sucked today. And yes I know he had 400 and 2/3 which is insane. I don't think the D did anything to cause it he just had a super rare bad game which are career days for the avg qb.
  6. I think part of the problem is either Mahomes, EB, or Reid keep trying to run these long developing plays when they know our Oline can't block. Maybe part of that is Mahomes ability to buy time but why can't we run slants and outs and manufacture easy receptions like other teams. They were giving us 10 yard cushion and we run a draw to the right behind dweedle dee and dweedle dum for 0 yards. I think when we go into the game knowing we have to dink and dunk we dismantle teams but we don't seem to adjust when we are hell bent on passing it deep. We can hang 40 on any D in the league and if we are playing our A game.....50 is within reach. This was a good D with one great play Van Noy......and we hung 24 with 4 TO's and a ST return that would have likely been more points because we had momentum. Our hardest opponent is ourselves. Get disciplined and get another ring, slack off like we've done the past month and get sent home in embarrassing fashion before we even get to the SB.
  7. Ugly game and ugly win. Kelce, and Hill are about the only one who balled out and they both had dropped passed. Mahomes, Oline and running game sucked. Defense had spurts where they played well but I think all the turnovers and the return TD left them on the the field too long. Again Niemann is possibly on par with Tyler Palko as being a player that would struggle to start on a dozen college teams. Our front 4 outside of CJ and a blown assignment cannot generate pressure consitently. We can't cover 2nd and 3rd string TE's and can't put a team away. ST looked good this week. 12-1 on to next week.
  8. We'd would destroy them. We left like 35 points on the board and they got 2 crazy fluky picks. They are a good team but they aren't even close to being in our league. We scored 33 with 4 TO's on O.
  9. The play calling this drive was stupid and warranted us getting beat. I understand the reasons for running ball but we can't and continuing to try just puts our team in bad positions. Let Mahomes throw short quick passes and achieve what the run game is suppose to do....3-5 yards a clip. This is maddening! And yes our Oline sucks bad! I'd be calling Larry Warford tomorrow and see if I could talk him into playing.
  10. Well I guess we are learning Durant isn't any sort of answer either. Not in pass pro and not in running blocking either.
  11. I love running to the right on this Oline. Mahomes could just take a knee and achieve the same results....maybe save a yard even.
  12. I have an idea. Lets take the ball out of the best player in the NFL to give it to an undersized back behind the worst Oline in the AFC........smh. How about dial up short passing routes.....like slants or quick outs. They are giving us 10 yards cushion.
  13. Did you guys see Neimann on that play. He is the last to get there. The DE opposite field gets there before our lb....sorry
  14. Problem is this is the same sentiment for the past umpteenth week. We are not very disciplined and make way to many errors. It should be 50 - 7 and that's with us pumping the breaks this last quarter, but instead we let teams that have no business stick around. So far it hasn't bitten us in the butt, I do worry a little that a better team could do just that in the playoffs.
  15. Kiss that MVP goodbye. Not that I care but our offense could have hung 50 on these guys. Mahomes worst game ever and he still will have 400 and 2
  16. Wharton with the sack. This is definitely a get right game for the DL.
  17. I probably am but if CEH doesn't make a play the play gains little to nothing.
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