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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I think the throw is suppose to go there. DB made a great play and Moore is a midget out there who can't help his qb out ever. All can be true.
  2. I might be alone but I think Cook was our best safety. Reid is meh and Edwards gets picked on a lot. Not sure how it gets fixed but we got man handled tonight. Jawaan Taylor is just not good if he doesn't get his Lane Johnson pre snap drop kick in. Mahomes throwing to Moore was a huge mistake and Reid calling that play for him is a real head scratcher.
  3. Gonna be cold in January. Be interested to see how that O functions whens its freezing.
  4. There is an assumption that those holding calls prevent a sack therefore they are tolerable because they in theory keep our qb healthy. You would need to see how many of those holds are on run plays, how many were called in close proximity to Mahomes and thus would potentially prevent a sack, and which holds aren't any where near Mahomes. I am in the camp that taking a hold over getting Mahomes hit is acceptable because he can make up a 10 yard penalty better than any qb in history. But..... the holdings overall need to be cleaned up. I'm not sure that many actually protected Mahomes. A few I remember were probably done in the attempt to protect but really had no bearing on the play had they just let their man go. By all means take the holding if its going to prevent your qb from being killed but some are just bad penalties that kill drives. This year we aren't as capable of overcoming those penalties because we lack weapons. Jawaan Taylor isn't a bad tackle but he is being paid to be a great tackle and he isn't playing up to that level. Donovan Smith is what he is and is a mixed bag. Would actually like to see Wanya get a little run if we can build a lead on some teams. See what we have in him long term. Our team is good enough to win a SB and if they clean up these penalties we might be able to do it easier than many of us believer possible.
  5. Yeah I didn't either. Saw the news that the case was diverted but that was it.
  6. I'm not going to lie, when I saw that on X (Twitter) I immediately thought he is going to miss a kick in GB lol.
  7. What is he suppose to say. If the difference between Tua and Mahomes wasn't so great he might actually have a point. That Chiefs team wasn't a very complete team. The O was better than the Dolphins but the that D was not. In all honesty though it's not that far fetched to think this Dophins team was a better team than the SB team. Sometimes the best teams in the L don't win the SB. Some years SB winners wouldn't get past the wild card round in other years.
  8. Ugly start and then it all started clicking. First game in a long time Mahomes took what was there and made good decisions for the entirety of the game. Sure there were a few drops and penalties but no TO's and the O looked efficient. Kelce, Rice and Pacheco should be the main target hogs for the rest of the year. Hopefully the O can build off of this and simplify things and be efficient. If that side is efficient then we can win the SB again. D made adjustments and then just shut the Raiders O down. The Raiders had a lot of confidence and played tough and we got their best shot and it just wasn't good enough. Its not perfect but it might be good enough.
  9. I mean how many times did Mahomes get sacked? The penalties were the major problem. Don't get me wrong the tackles aren't great but that D is nasty good on the Dline and we did an overall great job.
  10. We lose one more game max this year. Ya'll need to relax some. This loss stings but we will get over it.
  11. That 4th and 25 was a timed dart. That window was open for a second max and the ball hit him right in the hands. Dude got alligator arms twice tonight. He made a great catch to extend a drive but those to drops are horrible.
  12. 100% agree. Our D is elite and we still got Bolton coming back. Our O figured some things out and hopefully this game forces the team to make tough choices at wr moving forward.
  13. Agree. It was a tough hard fought game. The team that had the overwhelming amount of mistakes lost by 4. Refs didn't help at all and again we lost by 4. The second half was costly mistake after costly mistake that killed drives. I liked what I saw from Mahomes that last quarter though. That was Mahomes of old and it looked like something clicked. You can tell he is getting frustrated with the wrs. He normally doesnt express it as much as he did tonight. Hopefully this will force Reid to make some tough decisions at wr. Other than that, we played a very good team coming off a bye and dominated them for almost the entire game on D. Our D is elite and our O is a work in progress. We are first in the AFC. Things could be a whole lot worse.
  14. Mahomes missed that one ball tonight but dang this O has failed him miserably. I do take it back, Pacheco deserved to be on the field along with those interior 3 but outside of those 4 men non of them were worth a crap tonight. Sheesh. If we have two good wr's we blow that team out.
  15. Is there a player on this offense that deserves to play with Mahomes. Sheesh.
  16. I wouldn't be so sure. The Oline can hamstring every possession and the wr's can drop most passes and I still wouldn't count out Mahomes.
  17. Championship football right here. Can our O answer the call. We will find out! Lets go Chiefs!
  18. This is an amazing game! Lets go O. One TD here and its probably ball game.
  19. Yikes. There is the yearly Kelce gaffe. Hope the D can hold them here.
  20. Andy Reid is not happy with Kelce. Maybe all the jawing he is doing? That sneer was amazing!
  21. We are up 3 going into the 4th vs an elite team. The sky is not falling. Outside of some stupid penalties this O has put the Eagles stout D in a blender. Lets see what they do with this drive here. A TD goes a long long way in this game.
  22. Thought it was a horrible throw but looks like our wr corp strikes again. Doesn't help that our Oline feels the need to pick up a penalty ever other play.
  23. Toney is electric back there. If he stays healthy he is going to break one for a TD if he gets decent blocking.
  24. I didn't see much of a hold. Anyone else have a better angle? Seems like they are trying to keep this things close lol. We still almost had it too. This O is so close to getting it figured out. Lets go D. Get another stop.
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