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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Easy Mahomes. Haley did a pretty good job with Ben. Cassel was really really bad.
  2. Was just about to post this. Here is hoping he clears waivers! Would be a nice addition and maybe a change of scenario could do him wonders. I think at this point adding two guys here would be prudent. Say a Terrell Suggs and Takk, or Suggs and Beasley or any other player.
  3. To put it into perspective. Our defense would have help them to 11 points if Thornhill covers CMC on that 4th and 3. CJ hadn't made a mental error and Dave Toub had pulled his head out of butt on that fake punt. Seriously 3 mental errors that resulted in 21 points. The last TD I believe the Panthers had a very questionable catch that looked like a drop but they ran a play before Andy could challenge. Sure our D has problems, mainly Ben Niemann, but that offense has some legit playmakers. If we clean up the mental errors I think Spags can scheme around our Ben problem.
  4. Teams don't leave Kelce uncovered ever. Kelce or Hill might get open but they are always accounted for. With that said, It was an all out blitz and Thornhill ran right by him so maybe it was just an individual missed assignment or chip. Had he been chipped out of the backfield Teddy wouldn't have had time to make that throw. Hard to tell if it's scheme error or player error. Sorenson has taken the starting role from Thornhill at least these past two games so who knows. Nothing CMC did on that play would be considered elite. He ran out of the backfield was wide open, caught a pass and walked into the endzone. He is elite but that play was a defensive error not a superstar making a play.
  5. He has gotten away with 6-7 this year with 2-3 being sure-fire int that just inexcusably got dropped. But that happens to every qb and time will tell if it was a fluke. I believe he will end with 3-4. Wilson has the advantage of having a bad D which forces him to pass and produce. Mahomes has had the benefit of not forcing throws that he can make but are more risky and still he's within a game or two of striking. If we can give him a modicum of time vs the Raiders he will light them up as well.
  6. And as good as he was he missed quite a few yesterday. Dude is amazing!
  7. Not sure what you consider whining. We almost lost to a 3-5 team because we made some unforced errors and had some mental lapses. The sky isn't falling but if those mistakes aren't fixed we will drop another game or two. This team has some weaknesses that our strengths cover-up such as Oline play and LB play. I'm sure not pointing out all your "We shouldn't have drafted a rb in the first round" whining because I think it's a valid complaint at this point in the season. If we aren't going to use CEH to his strengths then it was totally a wasted pick. However, if they use him correctly he will be an invaluable asset down the stretch.
  8. I don't know that I'm that worried about the remaining schedule. The Bucs melt if you get pressure and Spags does a great job at designing pressure, plus we are more potent than NO and they gashed that Bucs D. Not sure i've ever seen Brady throw a yolo ball like I saw last night. Oakland was an aberration with a few deep bombs and an overall poor game for us and we still only lost by 8. We play bad and lose by 8, when other teams play bad we beat them by 20. NO is a little scary but Brees doesn't have the arm or legs like he once did and Cameron Jordan is a beast. That could be a shoot out but Schwartz should be back by then and I still think we beat them. 15-1. Pitt might run the table but they remind me of the 2013 9-0 Chiefs. Now watch us lose again to Oakland lol.
  9. A few mistakes early can make more than just a TD or two difference. An mediocre team that hangs with the reigning champs builds confidence as the game goes on, which makes it harder and harder to put them away. My frustration was the obvious motivation for the Panthers to pull out all the stops and our coaching staff (cough cough Dave Toub) failing to put the players in a position to succeed. A team that is using every trick up their sleeve to win is always capable of trying fake punts/onsides etc. We went for the block on that punt.....?!?!?!? They don't score there and we have momentum. The 4th and 3 on the first drive was a little maddening as we blitzed but allowed their best player a free release for an easy TD. Not sure who made the mistake or if Spags was willing to take that risk but if Thornhill just chips CMC, Teddy has no time to finish that play. Chris Jones penalty kept another drive alive for them. Every time Ben Niemann is on the field he is a huge liability and a terrible player. Im at the point of letting Gay make rookie mistakes because I think the 2-3 plays he can make per game would offset the 4-5 huge mistakes that Niemann makes each game. If I was a OC, I would only run formations that keep Niemann on the field and I would design plays specifically to attack him. Watch him blitz, I think he purposely runs right into lineman and is rendered useless or like the 4th down. I think we did better at stopping the panthers on 3rd and short than we did 3rd and long because Ben Niemann is not on the field in base or nickel. I wish we had some reports with some stones to ask about him. Butker missing a FG and an xp. We also didn't challenge a drop by the Panthers that would have stalled another drive. You are right it's the little mistakes and it's not a bad thing to win a close game vs an inferior team to keep the player's heads on straight. We are a few self inflicted mistakes away from crushing them. Like you said our offense was more than sufficient to win the game but there were some play calls that had most of us scratching our head. Overall we found a way to win and the D had to make that last stop vs a talented group of skill players so thats always a positive. I
  10. I don’t think he is a wasted pick as much as we aren’t utilizing him at all correctly. In the flat the dude makes people miss a lot. He was never going to dominate at running between the tackles but that’s all we seem to utilize him as. Bells another guy that we don’t look to in the flat. Mahomes doesn’t even look at him.
  11. He’s absolutely terrible. It quite literally looks like he runs into lineman on purpose. I think you have to consider Hitchens in that some role. Or through Gay or DOD and let them sink or swim. I’m willing to bet Gay would make a play or two that would offset his learning mistakes.
  12. Lol meant to say BB keeps the ball in Brady’s hands. Also I’m not for balance, I’m for efficiency. Like a few game back it was more efficient to run so we did. This game we pass blocked well and decided at key point to run weird and vanilla runs for no gains or sizable losses. So I agree with you.
  13. To me its the actual running play calls that are annoying. We know our IOL is bad and our two stud rb's are great pass catchers and good at making guys miss so why not run to the outside a little or actually use your stud pass catching rb's in that capacity. Also don't call a cutesy play with Darrell Williams as the focal point that expects Reiter, Wylie and Allegretti to get down field and block in space for a critical 3rd down. Also in critical times of the game keep the ball in Brady's hands. Sometimes I wonder who is calling what and when. I feel like Andy could care less but EB forces him into running it because he's adamant about running up the gut. I could be way off but that isn't coaching to put your players in positions to succeed, actually thats the opposite. Running a smaller, shifty back into the middle of the line where your IOL can't block for a crap and expecting good things to happen. smh
  14. He had to go up against Brian Burns which was a tough task but I think he did ok. He's a big dude thats for sure!
  15. Hardman has been a pleasant surprise these past few weeks. That drop excluded of course.
  16. Yeah he's been MIA. People will say look at the sack but that was totally a coverage sack. We have one real penetrating and dominant force on the dline and thats CJ95. Wharton is probably 2nd. Kpass has tailed off and plateaued, Danna is a hustler but lacks elite speed/burst. Would be nice for Okafor to get all healed up.
  17. I like CEH but we don't utilitze him correctly. He needs to get wide and we need to use him in the flat. Every time he got it out there he made the first guy miss. Its an easy 5-7 yards, but we only do it like 3 times a game.
  18. Dave Toub's ST unit was hot garbage, one good throw by your punter last week doesn't erase a full half season of poor play. Not sure who is calling the plays but this running up the middle and calling cutsy plays at the worst possible time needs to stop. Finally, when we have a chance to put the game away we should never keep our MVP QB from throwing the ball downfield. I feel like our D is all smoke and mirrors and when we face an elite qb that can run and pass we are gonna be in trouble. Ben Niemann should be sitting in the stands he is utterly useless on D.
  19. Wow we got away with one today! A win is a win but dang that was too close.
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