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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Great stop D! Man do they ever stiffen up as the game goes on. I fall for that crap every week. Get frustrated and whine whine whine and then at the end of the game they only have 17 points. Great job D!
  2. At least we get a look at Durant for some significant snaps. Hope Remmers is ok though.
  3. This. Reiter is starting today for some reason. Looked like he whiffed on a block that ridiculous misdirection screen that was blown up. I do think we could run to the outside with more effectiveness.
  4. Notice how we can get stops easier on 3rd and short than 3rd and long.....wonder if that has any correlation to Ben Niemann.
  5. Still goofing around and lackadaisical. Gonna get beat by a far inferior team today if we don't stop calling stupid plays and making stupid penalties.
  6. Mahomes isn't looking good today. He had a guy wide open in the flat and ignores him. Pathetic.
  7. Why? We are moving the ball and typical Andy...throw in a cute dumb play that loses us big yards..
  8. What a debacle of a half. We weren't ready to play at all. All three phases look like crap.
  9. We still have 45 seconds to get some points but that CJ penalty was potentially a 10 point swing with us getting the ball after half. Gotta be better than that. The longer this stays close the more confidence the Panthers will have and harder to put them away.
  10. Can we stop shooting ourself in the foot. We get the ball back there.. Comeon Chris!
  11. Pass rush is starting to be a concern. How bad do you have to be when CJ is such a force on the interior. Kpass and Clark have been flat for weeks now.
  12. Two positives on O: The Oline is giving Mahomes time and Hardman is making plays down the field.
  13. Mahomes has missed some easy TD's the past couple weeks. Nice to see Hardman stepping up though.
  14. How do you not expect a fake punt from a team that went for it on 4th down already? Seriously. Its pretty evident to everyone watching the Panthers have nothing to lose our coaching staff are coaching like we will just eventually win because we stepped on the field.
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