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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Dang what an unimpressive 27 point win lol. I'm such a spoiled fan. Go Chiefs!
  2. We can't finish a game on a high note can we lol. Come on Butker.
  3. He's not quite that fast. A for effort though.
  4. He did in the base. That would have been a perfect opportunity to get him reps out of the base package.
  5. Andy Reid doesn't have a killer instinct. Neither does this team. Hate when we go all vanilla like this to end a game.
  6. This is the perfect situation to get Gay reps and what are we doing? Running out Ben Nieman...... He can stack and shed to save his life.....shoot he can't make a play unless the offensive player is past him and he can grab and drag the player down. He is worthless. He is Tyler Palko of this defense. Not business being on the field.
  7. I hate to keep bagging on Nieman but he is like another offensive player. He gets in our guy's ways.
  8. At least let us see a good dose of Bell in the 4th.
  9. I love this board. I know I complain a lot but I love the Chiefs! It is my only place to vent. Not many Chiefs fans here in Colombia.
  10. I hope Andy doesn't slow down. Our O needs to get back in a groove. At least another TD drive if our d gets a 3 and out here.
  11. He absolutely does but you can't do that for 10-15 years.
  12. What do you know. Keizer catches it and holds onto it.
  13. Yeah I'm just commenting on what I'm seeing. Mahomes is the best QB in the NFL! Just a little concerning seeing these things and goes to show you that avoiding the Oline while trying to find diamonds in the rough in rounds 6-7 and UDFA won't suffice. Either the play calling needs to adjust until Mahomes feels comfortable again or Veach needs to be on the horn for some OL help. Our O isn't going to be great all the time but we have looked oddly out of sync since Keizer's fumble. Dink and dunk if you have too. It worked the last series until we ran to the weakest side of our Oline and then Mahomes tried to throw one 10-15 yards down field. But hey, we got the 4th quarter still. I'm happy we are stomping the Donkeys.
  14. Wilson with such a stupid play. Our LB's can only tackle 4-5 yards pass the LOS or out of bouncs. Sheesh.
  15. This. I love that our D is taking care of business and St finally decided to show up. There are quite a few bright spots (Sorenson, CJ, Gay, CEH minus the drop, Bell, etc). But our Oline has scared Mahomes, and he's getting happy feet.
  16. Had Bell wide open, didn't even look. Got scared.
  17. The comment was we are moving the ball at will. I forgot about CEH's 27 yard down run for the lone first down in the last 4 possessions. So no we aren't moving the ball at will. We are shooting ourselves in the foot at will though on O.
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