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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Not sure where you are getting that but it’s a 5.5 million dollar post June anything
  2. I think what makes this more difficult to pull off is we could have cut LDT before we reworked his contract for 4 million dollar cap Savings but now it’s a 9 million dollar hit. Would have been fairly simple with LDT and say Sorensen but now after the rookie pool we have like maybe 2 million left. We have Chris Jones to sign and then Mahomes. That’s kicking a lot of money down the road. Still hard to go wrong with paying good lineman in their prime. I think we would be surprised to see the difference in offense and our right side of the line would be stout! We can dream can’t we lol
  3. I’m sure they can reduce the percentage of growth in following years to offset the loss of one year. Would be crippling to every team minus the teams who have a ton of cap space and usually that is only 1-2 teams. At the end of the day we got Mahomes and they don’t.
  4. A very good argument count be made for LDT. My hope is given the chance he can take LDTs spot as he did look better on the right side.
  5. This. Over the cap could be wrong but cutting him would be a full 9 million dollar cap hit. Probably why LDT agreed to reworking his contract. He was probably going to get cut unless he did it. But he won't be hear next year. Just sucks because a quality player came available after the restructure. I'm holding out hope that both Andy's see some good things in Allegretti, Rankins and Wylie back on the right side.
  6. Over the Cap shows that after reworking LDT's deal we'd be hit with a 9 million dollar cap hit if we cut him. We have 5 million in space at the moment but I'd imagine a good chunk ofthat goes towards rookies. We could cut Sorensen, Wilson, and Reiter and probably get in the ballpark of what Larry needs but then we still are stuck with LDT on the roster as well. As not great as Wilson is I don't think we can afford to lose him.
  7. Adam I think you are right. No one is realistically going to say that a good not great team is going 16-0, so its only natural to find the toughest matchups and predict those to be higher probability losses. I will say that if our secondary (Cornerbacks) doesn't take a step back I feel the rest of the D will be better in their second year that our team could make a legit run at 15-1 or 16-0. We have the ability to do it obviously its really hard to do.
  8. Yeah I agree. He positioned himself perfectly for the draft and we have very real and legitimate chance of repeating. Love how he turns over the bottom of the roster and keeps bring in high upside guys to kick the tires. The future is bright with him and Pat in the building.
  9. I think our weakest link is DB. We are more than likely gonna lose Breeland for a couple games and behind Ward and Fenton you have a ST ace, 4th and 7th round pick. I look for Chris Jones deal to get done allowing us to add a one year prove it guy like Ryan, Dennard, or PrinceA. None of them are studs but all of them could add valuable experience until Breeland gets back and Sneed and BoPete get a little experience.
  10. I think we add another Mo Claiborne type just for stability, Logan Ryan would be a nice one year prove it player especially with all the young guys we have on the roster at CB. Ward, Breeland, Fenton, Sneed, Keyes, Hamilton....Ryan? We gonna keep 7 DB's? While Breeland is suspended it would be 6. But we need at least one of our rookies to stick and they won't get much playing time behind Ward, Fenton, Breeland, Ryan and with HB playing the slot as well. Will be interesting for sure. Hope one of the new guys takes one of the older guys spot.
  11. No I get it. I'm beyond glad we didn't sign him and I'm not at all upset with what we gave up for Clark.
  12. Glad he's gone and we didn't overpay but when he was in the lineup that 49ers Dline was nasty. That one trick forces a qb up into a pocket or over into Bosa's lap. Like I said glad we didn't give him a contract but his one trick is a nice trick.
  13. Agreed. Definitely not calling into question his IQ just questioning what he's thinking. Back to back bad decisions cost him millions.
  14. Didn't realize they weren't a felony until #3. Wouldn't they have charged him if he was intoxicated though and wouldn't that have been made the report (the results of his breathalyzer)? You may know something I don't but just going off the report it doesn't appear he was drunk. I can't imagine them not giving him a test with the open containers though. Regardless it wasn't the brightest decision made and will in all likelihood cost him a good chunk of money down the road.
  15. My guess is we keep 5 and stash Danna on the PS or IR. Clark, Kpass, Okafor, Charlton and Ward are my guesses. Would love for Ward and Charlton to rock it out allowing us to trade Okafor.
  16. I think he had 5 sacks last year in limited time. Looks like there is potential.
  17. Veach out there killing it with Monopoly Money. Great signing. Can't wait to see what Daly and Spags can get out him. Probably not a great signing for Danna and Harris though.
  18. First go back and read the arrest report. The first sentence tells why they were questioned in the first place. Then Breeland pull back in to the gas station......meaning he was driving. No where does it say he was intoxicated and if he was there would be a felony DWI or DUI. He left and came back. They found open containers but it was the smoking pot that arose suspicion and the fact they fled the scene. So again, all the charges where misdemeanors and only one dealt with the open containers found in his vehicle.
  19. There is no report of him being drunk or there would be a DUI or DWI attached to this. Not saying he wasn't but that would have surely made the report if true.
  20. That’s how you get shot for something stupid. You could hear the fear and concern in the lady’s voice. Hate that this has turned into a big deal but definitely glad cooler heads prevailed. I mean he went I hands and face first into his vehicle...tough spot for any law enforcement officer. I still think it’s a 3-4 game suspension which might help us out in the long run if one of these younger guys can step up.
  21. That report is worse than the charges imo. The charges won’t be an issue but resisting arrest and at one point the officer pulled his firearm is pretty scary. Not sure if they won’t just cut him. Coupled with his substance abuse issues, you have to wonder what guys are thinking during a contract offseason. He is definitely needed on this team though.
  22. Hunt was pretty slow in his own right, running a 4.6 40. Hunt is 4 inches taller but only 9 lbs heavier. Hunt probably handles contact better but I think CEH is more elusive. Obviously we won't know until the season kicks off but I think CEH's long speed is vastly overblown.
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