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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Yeah they granted one exception in the NBA for that, even though I can't remember what they called it.
  2. We are fine. Veach has solidified numerous areas already with little to no cap. Obviously we have holes at CB and a need at WLB but we can address one or the other or both as soon as he decides how to move forward with LDT, Watkins and Jones. No need to rush those decisions until you exhaust every effort to trade or extend or sign them. We solidified the DL with Pennell, we've upgraded ST, we've soldified the wr group with resigning DRob. We need an IOL upgrade at one position at least, one starting caliber WLB, and 1 2 starting caliber DB's. That is very doable in the draft, udfa and some one year prove it deals/other team cuts. We are already better if we do nothing other than draft well.
  3. Next year's draft won't be the year of the WR either. Agree, it was a smart move any way you look at it.
  4. Went to Ole Miss. Has an intriguing skill set and someone with way more upside than Shurmur.
  5. Like others said he knows the system (which is apparently tough to learn), is a great blocker and has big game ability. What's not to like about a wr like that, which only counts 1 million against the cap.
  6. This is a great signing! Knows the system, is a good blocker and is cheap! I don't think this keeps us from drafting a wr but with a shortened offseason looming this is great news for the continuity of our offense. We will roll into next year and not skip a beat. Veach is making this team better with wise and shrewd moves. Sammy Watkins won't be making 21 million this year so we will eventually have some cap room. If Veach can get him around what he's worth around 10 million then we save 11 million this year and he can get Breeland back in the building and that eliminates another huge need so we can go into the draft more BPA focused than need focused.
  7. We might end up getting Breeland back for 8 million instead of 10 like many thought he could get. Might get Sammy back as well seeing as Robby Anderson only got 2/20. Can't imagine anyone at this point paying over 10 million a year for his services. I wouldn't mind reworking his deal for 2/20 with most guaranteed. Would keep our 3 main wr's together for 2 more years. He would hit FA gain when he's like 28-29 for another decent pay day.
  8. I think the longer this plays out the better leverage we have. Robby Anderson just got 2/20million. If we can get Watkins on that kind of deal which is fair for both sides actually more fair for his side to be honest but that cuts 11 million off the cap and we keep a core players. I look for this to happen since the big money is drying up and teams aren't going to want to pony up a pick and pay that contract.
  9. I like both signings. Especially Pennel. Gives us flexibility in dealing with Jones a little. Having Nnadi, Saunders, and Pennel along with possibly Speaks means we at least have some numbers to throw at the interior DL. I look for Lovett to take over that #3 TE spot this offseason but be more of our HB and learn from Sherman for a season before finally taking over for him. Like xen said he's worth it for more than just his FB role. I'm sure most are aware but we just won the SB all while facing some major opposition and turmoil and the comraderie built during such trials is pretty powerful. Its more than numbers and a contract. Sometimes you pay someone for what they mean on the football field as well as off the football field. I think Sherman falls in that category and I also think Jones does as well.
  10. Had to double check that this was xen and not balto. Seriously I scrolled back up just to make sure. Get R Done!
  11. If we trade that far up then Jeffrey Okudah is who I would want. I like Isaiah and believe he is gonna be good but not much for tweeners especially when we already have two very good safeties on our roster. I think he's too light in the pants to play Will the way Spags likes his Will to play.
  12. There are a couple intriguing guys in the 2nd and 3rd I wouldn't mind snagging but not in the first. Need IOL, LB, CB first and not necessarily in that order.
  13. Yeah I tend to think Reid/Veach/Co aren't as worried about the position as they stocked up a lot last year and while none of those guys are world beaters that Oline wouldn't be any worse than what we say this year and has the potential to be a little bit better. I would like for us to draft a center and sign a guard after we cut LDT.
  14. We give Mahomes a break about his numbers this year but we don't for Watkins? I agree OT his play was bigger than just the stats and he came up huge in a couple games we had to have. With that said, I believe he'll be close to 1000/10 this year if he stays because I think Mahomes will be back 5000 40+ TD's this year. (That wasn't directed at you but I was piggy backing off your post. After I posted it, it looked like my first sentence was attacking your post..which it wasn't)
  15. Well he either takes 14 million a year which even his own agent knows is top dollar or he can chance it in FA and by the time he hits FA most of the money being tossed out now will be gone. I think 14 million is too much but I also think he has a 14m dollar season left in him, but he's not getting close to 21 million this year.
  16. Rams release Todd Gurley. Would be pretty interesting if Veach and co. could coax him over for a one year 5 million dollar prove it deal. Obviously it won't happen but he's a special running back when healthy.
  17. Frank converted money to a bonus. He didn’t take a pay cut lol. It definitely helped the team this year but he didn’t get asked to take a pay cut like we are asking Watkins. Those two things aren’t that same but he’s not worth more than 10-12 million per year and the only reason he’s worth that much is we are already on the hook for 7 million regardless. What is practical is a 2/24 million dollar deal. The first year is worth 10 and the second 14. That would shave about 10 million off our books and if he plays lights out would warrant him possibly finishing out the deal here. Personally I think he’s looking for the most money and won’t settle for that kinda pay cut. We mentioned and state that he said he’d take more but if you look at what he really said and how he said it then you can tell he’s not referring to some big time pay cut. Oh well Veach will get this all worked out.
  18. Veach massaging the cap by reworking the Clark deal gives him time to seek out some possible trades before he's forced to make some tough decisions on guys like LDT, Watkins, Sorenson, and the Jones contract. I wouldn't mind at all bringing Breeland back on a 3/24 million deal with 14 million in guarantees.
  19. He was a great player but age has caught up with him and he's too old to sign a one year prove it deal as he's already 31 (i think). Glad the Chargers overpaid.
  20. Maybe this will drive his price down a little and we can resign him. He’s not elite and shouldn’t get paid like one but he’s a good db and we don’t have many on our roster.
  21. I think you let Wis and Pennel go adding to the comp formula for next year. We have Nnadi, Saunders and Jones at this point with Speaks coming back and Kpass. If we get this offseason right we set ourselves up to keep this comp thing going each year. There will always be guys like Wis and Pennel that good scouts/gms can find by turning over the bottom of the roster. The cap jumps big time next year which should be enough to take on a bulk of Mahomes contract plus Berry's dead money comes off the books next year along with whatever they do with Watkins. We probably won't be players in FA this year or next unless we deal Jones and Watkins but we should net a good haul of comp picks next year. Not to mention guys wanting to prove it playing with Mahomes. You are right this cap number didn't help us but I think we will be fine!
  22. Its a one year 14 million dollar deal with the chance to extend him or rework the deal. We've seen some crazy stuff happen the last couple days to say "Nobody". It only takes one desperate team to offer a 5th or a future pick.
  23. Yeah I think there is no reason to overpay for average or slightly above average talent because of money burning a hole in a GM's pocket and a supposed need. We were never going to be big players in FA but with all this money getting spent in the first couple of days we could find some real bargains and some good one year prove it deals for guys who fell through the cracks. I do look for one or the other to get traded but it wouldn't surprise me to see Veach try and run this back. I also think some teams are waiting and hoping we cut Watkins to swoop in but if Veach plays this right and finds a little luck in how the FA pool shapes up he could end up getting that 3rd or 4th from a desperate team. Only time will tell.
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