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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I don't blame the Raiders for going that route. They are already paying Carr like 20 million per and Brady is a clear upgrade. He's got a stud RB, TE and a deep threat in Tyrell Williams. That is one good WR away from a potential potent offense. And Hunter Refrow would be the next Wes Welker/Julian Edelman. I'm not worried about them but that would be a smart move especially moving to Las Vegas. Their defense will be better with Abrams back and another year of young guys developing. The only problem with that route is its not sustainable and will end up leaving you disappointed also Brady isn't a grooming type of QB like Alex Smith was/is. He won't go there because he won't just have to play us twice but Von Miller and Chubb twice and Ingram/Bosa twice. Dude won't last the season. Those days of cupcake AFC East schedules are over if he leaves.
  2. Just wait and see. He had a pff grade of 76.6 in the playoffs. He's gonna get paid. No way is he getting less than 8 million per year.
  3. Breeland is gonna get 10 million per and Fuller will probably get 8 million per. I'm not sure PP is the same player as before the PED suspension and he's expensive. Harris can't afford a one year deal because if he struggles at all, he's on the wrong side of 30. IMO its Breeland for familiarity or go hard after James Bradbury.
  4. Bashaud is gonna get 10 mil per year for a lot more than 2 years. He should be considered a comp pick and Veach worked that deal to perfection. I also think Fuller is gonna get 8 per so that’s out of our range. I could see Mahomes doing that so Jones could get his this year and then drop down to a very manageable number. I also disagree with your assessment on Frank Clark but I’ll wait till next year for you recant lol. Not a bad overall assessment though bro. I dig some of your moves.
  5. Yeah I think we got back to the well on those 1 year prove it/ship deals while we draft a cornerback. Who got hurt in preseason last year that we had hopes would develop into at least a backup. We are gonna needs bodies and I wouldn't mind bringing him in if he's chasing a ship but if he comes here for like 4-5 million wouldn't we rather have Breeland back for 4-5 million more a year? I'd rather have a known commodity that probably will play even better next year if he stays.
  6. I would say no because we didn't trade our first or second at the trade deadline. With that said I would have loved to have gotten Minkah even with our first.
  7. We will crush the Pats if Tom isn't there. I think the Texans provide the only real game on that list.
  8. This is crazy but Clark and Young would be a lot of fun to watch.
  9. We could extend Mahomes and back end the extension with lots of guarantees .....there are lots of ways of working this to keep both but I don’t see how we keep Watkins also.
  10. Agreed and I think we could get at least a back end 1st for him. And while it might seem hard I think we can still be better on D without him if some guys continue to develop like Kpass, Nnadi, Saunders and Speaks and we draft well and upgrade the LB Corp. Still hope we can figure a way to keep him at a reasonable contract.
  11. Pat sets the precedent here. If he takes less than his market value then I could see Jones and Watkins follow suit but if the CBA drags on that won’t be possible. I know 3 million is a lot between Grady Jarretts 17m per a d the 20 he is supposedly seeking but if you aren’t an idiot that is generational money in one year and he’ll be guaranteed probably 3 years at that. At the end of the day we can continue to win SBs without either. It might be more difficult but if we let both walk/trade we can replace them with 2-3 above average guys and a young rookie top pick. I’d hate to lose Jones but all is not lost if we do. Veach has the benefit of doubt.
  12. His talent yes, his ego and attitude.....NOPE! I remember him acting like an idiot when they didn't focus on him in Dallas. Pat spreads the ball and there might be games he doesn't see the ball (a la Watkins).....how does he handle that. Pass
  13. If we are honest this is true. And if I’m being honest they did blow that game. I’m not saying the were better, more talented or whatever but when your up ten in the 4th you gotta close that out and they didn’t. Kudos to our team who got the job done in historic fashion. If those jokers think they are comin back stronger and the chiefs weaker then they have another thing coming. I fully expect our team to be better even with the chance of losing some of our big names. Our defense will continue to get more confortable and Pat will only get better with more experience. Fact is they had their best chance this year and blew it, they pulled an old school chiefs move and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory!
  14. Adam I felt the exact same way. We don't win this one and the pressure just doubles next year and the year after. Getting this one kicks the monkey off everyone's back! And like this list proves its not guaranteed you will be back every year for the next decade. Once Mahomes gets paid it becomes infinitely harder which is why the Patriots run is so impressive. I do believe Mahomes will at least get one more and probably 2 but who knows. We got this one and now that "Can't win the big one" can never be used on us again.
  15. How many of those were because our ST unit was hot garbage as downing the ball. He's useful and deserves one more year if he wants.
  16. I was thinking 3/27 with $18 guaranteed at best. I'd prefer to pay for Chris Jones as I think replacing Watkins would be a lot easier than replacing Jones.
  17. Trey Flowers isn't Chris Jones. We don't win the SB without him. Hitchens was a bad signing by Veach and probably someone Sutton wanted but we get rid of his contract after this upcoming year. Fisher is a guy the Pats would let go. A good player on a great team that you don't oversign. Did they pay Gronk or did they let him walk? Did they pay Gilmore or did they let him walk? There are certain guys you have to pay and keep around and I think Chris Jones is one of those guys. I know y'all disagree and I'll trust Veach as we will have to start doing things like the Pats in that sense, but I don't think this is the guy you do that with. Sammy Watkins, Hitchens, Fisher sure......Jones no.
  18. Mahomes got a blatant hands to the face that wasn't called. Frank Clark got spun around a couple times, one of our linebackers had a lineman jump on his back. Jimmy G was in bounds when he was hit and the phantom encroachment call was actually a false start by their guard. The Williams missed touchdown he was held and his jersey pulled even though that was an easy TD had he known where the ball was. We can do this all day. It was a very well called game. No one is perfect but there weren't any egregious missed calls.
  19. Not lumping him in the injury category but your telling me you are fine with running him out there as the feature back if Williams goes down? He might be built strong but his pass pro is a huge liability for Mahomes. Don't get me wrong I love having him on the team but see him as our version of Ekeler.
  20. I think its a pick your poison. This team has a unique chemistry and Chris Jones is a great offset for the intensity of HB and Clark. Gotta have balance. He's an absolute stud and one of the best in the league. I'd rather pay the stud then sign 2-3 average guys. Why was the 49ers D so good because of that front 4. You can hide the back end a heck of a lot easier than the other way around. Fill the holes at LB's with cheap FA's and draft picks as well as those db spots. Don't mess with that front 4. If he's asking for the moon then tag him. The new CBA will help us if we get it done now.
  21. We need to keep drafting talented guys at the back end of the draft until we find another Kareem Hunt. Williams and Thompson are capable runners but neither can be counted on for a full season and while I love Daryl Williams he isn't very elusive.
  22. I think we should bring in another guy for competition but yeah he did great down the stretch. I worry a little about his injury history but he balled out this post season.
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