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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. San Fran looks tough. They can run the ball very successfully and that defensive front is ridiculous. We would have to get a lead and force them into passing the ball otherwise I don't know if we can shut that down.
  2. Vikings play calling has been pretty pathetic. With all that pressure they are still running deep/intermediate routes. Good call Stefanski........
  3. Calf vs. Achilles elicit two entirely different concerns. Knowing our luck his leg probably needs to be amputated.
  4. None of us knew how bad that dislocation on Hill was and we couldn't afford to lose any more wr's.......but yeah he probably would have fetched a 3rd after that big game.
  5. Yeah no need to rush. We got 5 months until the draft and we will know a lot more then and I think players are gonna want to come play here and we could sign a few prove it deals to supplement depth without blowing a draft pic.
  6. There isn't a D in the league that can shut down an elite offense consistently. Rules have changed. Building elite D's with nothing on O is a recipe for failure. You have to have both these days. If your D is elite then your O has to be good at least at rushing/passing and competent at the other or Elite on O and good at stopping the rush/pass. What made them a dynasty was BB's defensive mind and Brady's offensive ability. Take away one and the other isn't nearly as good. To be honest they haven't been good all year just got away with a super weak schedule. Like 63 said, they are going to have to overpay and surround him with studs for them to have a chance. Only thing I regret is not being able to knock them out ourselves.
  7. At best they have one more year if they surround Brady with a lot of talent. They actually remind me of our team a few years back with Alex Smith. He's declined a lot and while he's still a dangerous qb because of his knowledge and experience his body is declining. IMO we would have embarrassed them in Arrowhead.
  8. Buffalo's anemic offense had 3 opportunities to win that game and pooped down their leg. They will get Fuller back but our D is a lot better and a lot stronger up front and our offense should be on track. It won't be easy but it could be a lopsided affair if the O is clicking.
  9. I saw one where he fell to bottom of 2nd and thought this is a dumb mock draft. I like the kid a lot but can't warrant drafting him that high especially when we need long term solutions at IOL, DB and LB and we've been known to find stud later in the draft.
  10. Pass. He's Derrick Henry lite. We don't need a back that needs space to pick up speed we need another Kareem Hunt. Man was a moron he was.....could've been really special here.......probably would have already had a ring here........oh well. Would any of you take Travis Etienne in the 2nd? He's not necesarrily a draft crush just a guy who seems to fit in our O and has a lot of wiggle. Don't really like drafting a RB early but our O run like a top with an above avg rb. Curious about y'alls thoughts? 1. OL 2. Travis Etienne 3. DB
  11. Yeah I'm all for that but I seem to remember Ebron having issues with the drops when we played him and the announcers referencing issues this entire year. Maybe I'm wrong.
  12. Their Oline is hot garbage and their D isn't elite.......what they do have is some elite wr's and Watson who can run. Like someone else said if we want to be the best we have to run through these teams. Line em up and lets knock em all down.
  13. Why didn't they leave Edelman back and let him fair catch it. Saves 2-3 seconds and 20-25 yards..........20 seconds left from the 25 at least gives you 2-3 shots for a fg. 18 seconds from the 2 gives you no chance for anything. BB got outcoached and that dynasty is done. They can break the bank to surround Brady but the days of stars going there for a good bit less are over. Brady isn't the same.
  14. kk.....that is exactly what I thought..... I often wonder what Joe T things about calling games with Booger......(I wish this idiot would shut up). Another one was the touch play. His knee hit and then was up and then he was touched (so the play is still live until he's tackled).......and Booger said he was touched and therefore short.....I cannot think of another announcer that it pains me more to listen too. How did this guy get that job? Hope he's not calling our game next week.
  15. Yeah I agree robgar. They have the most explosive offense or at least the most dangerous offense. I know Baltimore is higher ranked but with Fuller they have weapons that give us fits and Watson is a better passer than LJ. They are the team I was most afraid of but their defense is the weakest of the 4 wild card teams and they don't have a dynamic run game so if we play our game we will win.
  16. I'm still in shock over that special teams call......bringing Edelman up......what were they thinking?
  17. BB just got outcoached today. That was the dumbest call having Edelman come way up. Cost them 2-4 exta seconds and 20-30 yards yikes.....
  18. Love watching them get ran over.........#1 best defense of all time some said........Let the Ravens and Titans wear each other down next. Love this. Gonna love the Pats fan lose their mind as well.
  19. Yeah but this isn't the same Pats team. They won't ever be the same. We are watching the end of a dynasty. Brady is very pedestrian.
  20. They should have false started at 5:01 since the penalty on the Pats would negate a unsportmanlike penatly. Then start the play again at 5:01 letting run 24 seconds under 5 min. But yeah loved the sequence and loved watching BB cry about it.
  21. If we are comparing announcers to all time great qbs then.......Tony Romo is Tom Brady and Booger McFarland is Tyler Palko. Romo is right so much and doesn't over talk while Booger never shuts up and is constantly wrong. Case in point Romo says the Pats should run Edelman out wide.....the next play there Edelman is out wide. Booger says they should run a little short screen and spike the ball on 3rd and 15..........
  22. Surprised Kittles got 1st team over Kelce.
  23. I don't like the idea of paying significant money to a player that will be hard pressed to see 60% of the snaps. Double TE sets are nice but Ebron isn't a good blocker and the money we spent on him could easily be used on an IOL. We have a young talented guy on the PS in Fortson and there are guys way better than Bell we can draft.
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