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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Their is a difference in running the ball to set up play action and the deep ball. We went conservative because we have a lead.
  2. Reiter has to get that block and its a big game but the play calling this game has been pathetic. Everyone knows they run a cover 2 and hope their front 4 get home. Problem is our interior can't give Mahomes a pocket to step into and not many can stop Ingram/Bosa duo. So we get a lead and Andy goes full conservative. If we are going to run at least put in Sherman.
  3. I do like we are rushing it but this is Andy going conservative......there is a difference.
  4. He gets that if Clark doesn't get there. Nieman and Sorensen FTW
  5. HoneyVag strikes again.......doesn't want to hit anyone. Gave up 3 extra yards.
  6. Our lb's can't even blitz well. Telegraphed and slow as crap getting there.
  7. Has no time because our interior lineman suck. Wylie, Reiter and LDT are garbage too.
  8. Asking because I don't know. Is that his responsibility because Wilson looked lost there as well.
  9. I thought that was our scheme. Uncover 2- We run it so much. Its like leaving a guy wide open at the 3 point line hoping to jinx him. We apply that methodology in coverage schemes......smh
  10. I don't want to see Tyrann jawing or acting upset with anyone else on that D. Dude gets paid to make the basic plays and he's not doing nearly enough of that this year.
  11. I hate seeing LB's crazy after a gang tackle in which a rb got positive yards. Talking about Hitchens acting like an idiot.
  12. I know right. It was a simple catch and probably seals the game.
  13. We aren't winning anything. Our coach has allowed this team to lose focus. We aren't disciplined in all areas. Deon Yelder fumble......smh
  14. Hard to do that with no pocket to step up into. Seriously on every big play Reiter is a wet paper bag and Wylie and LDT aren't much better.
  15. We seem to have fallen into the trap of the deep ball and long developing routes to showcase our talent instead of calling a more diverse game plan. It wasn't always pretty but pull out an old Alex Smith game plan and maybe try taking what the d is giving.
  16. This has the feel of another heart breaker. Can't put my finger on it just does. We just don't look right. Hope I'm wrong and we wake up in the 2nd half.
  17. Dude doesn't look comfortable back there....home all those games with Cam hasn't gotten him gun shy. Our interior Oline doesn't give him any pocket to throw.
  18. On that 3rd and 7 there was no pocket because surprise surprise Austin Reiter lets a guy just man handled him up into Mahomes face and forced him to rush his throw to Kelce. I don't understand why they put guys like him and Erving back in the game over and over. Thankfully Fisher is back which keeps Cam off the field but Wis can't be any worse than Reiter.
  19. Dude I'm not so sure Sorensen isn't bigger than Niemann. Dude is small, slow, limited instinct. Can't believe we haven't replaced him with a FA off the street by now. Probably Toub loves his avg play on ST.
  20. We can point to the D with allowing 300 yards but we don't have but 3 points without them.
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