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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. How do you go from AFC special teams player of the week to this? How as a team do you lose to a team that is so one dimensional and not even great at that. Oh yeah you play conservative. If Andy doesn’t get us to the SB by next year I think Clark makes the tough call. Can’t waste all of Mahomes prime with a DrJekyl and Mr Hyde HC.
  2. I was afraid of this. Pat coming back and every facet of the game digressing because now there isn’t the same urgency. This is a bad ugly loss and while it’s one loss it’s becoming a pattern with Andy. There is no killer instinct.
  3. Still can’t believe we activated a nominal pass rushing interior dlineman over a stout run stuffer against a team whose only chance to beat us was with the run.
  4. LeSean must be in the doghouse. Hopefully this means more Darrel and Darwin! Which would seem odd why they wouldn’t get Darwin more involved with a backup qb and less fear of missing a passing protection assignment.
  5. If we can’t beat the Raiders we aren’t real SB contenders. The Raiders are a solid team but they aren’t great anywhere.
  6. He did have a few less than stellar years but yes I think we are all growing rather fond of Mr Fisher these days.
  7. I hope we can keep all theoe guys. I know this year that probably won't be a problem but you never know. If they keep getting better and better as the year progresses and we make a deep run a guy like BD or MH might get a DC position somewhere. I actually think for the first time since I can remember we have a defensive staff that can develop young players. Saunders, Ward, Fenton, our rag tag LB corp, Thornhill, Kpass, etc. All seem to be playing better now than at the start of the year and some of those guys were thought to be busts or potential busts. Would go a long way towards fixing this D if we have an in house replacement at nickel and outside corner already locked up for next year.
  8. Hope the D stays this aggressive when Mahomes gets back. Don't like the rush 4 and drop 7 into coverage vanilla look.
  9. Michael Thomas could be in that convo but yeah that’s all I can think of.
  10. Not even sure how great Baltimore is but they smacked the Pats around tonight. Hopefully this pumps the breaks on everyone talking about how historic their D is.....Um did we give up 37 to the Ravens and our D is considered garbage by lots of talking heads. Tom Brady isn’t the same dude and their schedule gets harder. We could still be in the hunt for a bye! I don’t think we lose again if Fisher and Mahomes comes back this week and our D can continue to play like this.
  11. Hes making a strong case for it. And he’s not even peaked yet.....scary good!
  12. Yeah when we have drafted them higher in the draft they have been good. Hudson and Morse were both good. Need to invest a 2nd on one next year. If Pat stays up we win multiple SBs if not we might not win any. That was GBs mistake. They got one but missed other opportunities because they thought they could put a patchwork line in front of Rodgers and he could make it work. He can get t hem to the playoffs but he’s running for his life all the time.
  13. Outside of that one run he was 11 for 34. That’s not great. I’m not ready to bail just acknowledge what he is a very talented 2/3 option.
  14. Wins like this are what people SB caliber teams down the stretch! Man what a great win!
  15. We needed 10 yards for a Fg attempt. I’m way behind. Not sure how we picked it up but color me impressed! Wow what a game.
  16. The only thing the offense couldn’t do is take a sack........
  17. What? Andy being an idiot again and not running the ball to milk time and keep Minn from scoring before the half. But no we can’t stop passing.
  18. Still dont understand why we are passing so much up and with Matt Moore as qb. Get Sherman in the game and let’s pound the rock. Could have burned more time there instead we give them a chance to score before half. Sheesh Andy sucks at clock management.
  19. Defense came to play. If they can play like this with Pat coming back.....we will be an extremely tough out.
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