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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Still up 10-7 is better than I expected. Go Chiefs!!
  2. Why aren’t we running the ball on 3rd and 1? Put Sherman and Darrel in and get it done. Matt is playing as well as can be expected but take the pressure off him.
  3. Why trade for a bell cow and pay him like one when we don’t run the ball. If they were giving him to us then sure but glad we didn’t pay anything for him.
  4. Sorry Balto, all those mega deals fell through at the last moment....lol
  5. There is a difference. You said he should play when he was ready and wanted to and my post was that sometimes you have to protect players like Mahomes and Houston. Players like Berry never wanted to get back on the field nor did they want to get the surgery to repair the injury. Its pretty well known he refused after the season when his plan didn't work out and he's still sitting on the sidelines. Kinda a apples or orange comparison. No medical person can know how your are feeling and many athletes push themselves to get back on the field to fast with medical clearance and the effects are costly. Again Houston and JC are two very recent and good examples of that. Its more than just getting the clearance from the dr, you have to know the athlete is making a good decision as well not just a hasty one. But you are correct that he shouldn't sit out just for the sake of sitting out if he's cleared and he is making a good decision about his future.
  6. So that gives you a reason to be one right back when the content isn't even directed at you. Sounds to me people in the forum vent their frustration at their favorite team while you vent your frustration at total strangers. But hey, whatever floats the boat.
  7. How did that work out for Justin Houstin.....just saying these guys are ballers and can't always be trusted to make deicision for themselves. I mean he wanted to come back in the game after he dislocated it. Sometimes you have to protect people from themselves and I think athletes are some of the least trustworthy to make decisions like this. Thats why they put in the concussion protocol.
  8. While I understand what your saying you come off as a old cranky jerk most of the time too.
  9. I'll be the first to admit that I can get caught up in the moment and I was very critical of the D early on and Veaches choices. I still think Veach has to get better but I think we finally have a defensive staff that can develop our younger guys and the opportunities they have gotten with injuries is showing that development. That is great to see! We are a talented team when healthy and we are still dangerous when non fully healthy. I won't get my hopes up too high because the Chiefs have had a way of crushing those in the past but this isn't one of those teams. My two big concerns are Andy getting in his own way and getting too cute because he has so many weapons. Sometimes its best to have 2-3 options and dance with the ones who brought you, but far too often he calls up plays for (DAT, Bell, etc) in key moments that cost us. His decision to punt is indefensible really. Our D was gassed, Shady Mccoy's fumble started that trend and you were playing with house money. But I wasn't expecting us to win that game and only got as upset as I did because we had a really good chance of winning it. Keep Mahomes upright and we can all enjoy the next 10-15 years as a Chief fan!
  10. He had one horribly drawn up play that resulted in -1. It wasn't his fault, Matt Moore floated the ball out to the flat and the play was easily read but I would love to see him more.
  11. Is he familiar with Spags and can he cover a rb? I honestly don’t know but what do y’all think. I personally think adding a young lb is our biggest need followed closely by a DB upgrade.
  12. It was a momentum killer for a very fragile team. We were a long way from scoring but it further sapped our D we were trying to protect.
  13. Yeah I can’t wait to see Hill, Hardman and Watkins with Kelce when Mahomes gets back healthy along with the Oline. Could be historically special!
  14. Joe, I told my cousin the exact same thing this morning. JC was dynamic but always seemed to cough it up at the worst times.
  15. And coming off a PED suspension. I like him but you are probably right. Best to stay the course. We need a coverage lb more than a dB at this point.
  16. Aaron Jones returning is what killed us 2nd half. When he was out we killed it but Matt L schemed him all over the place and no one could stop him.
  17. After 8 games we have 25 which puts us on pace for 50. This is with a team that hasn’t blown out anyone and we have seen a far heavier dose of running than we saw last year. Meaning less opportunities and Chris Jones being out a couple games and Frank Clark obviously playing hurt. I like what Spags is doing. These last games have been improvements and I hope that continues.
  18. He is such a dynamic running back but I'm at the point to which I'd rather see him benched until he can clean up his fumbling issues. Give Darwin and Darrel a chance. I complained when we signed him and was wrong as he is a dynamic player but that fumble was crippling tonight and we had a legit shot of winning that game. Not sure what the solution is, cutting him isn't it but maybe he sits for a game or two. I'd like to see Darwin get more than a terribly designed swing pass as well.
  19. TWard looks like he's slowly getting better too. Fenton looks like he might a solution at the nickel. We might have some holes to fill back there but it might be something like 2 LBs and 2 DBs. Which can be fixed in one offseason imo. Wilson and Hitchens will be back. Wilson because he deserves to be back and Hitchens because his contract forces him back here. I don't know if Jones gets a contract or not. His injury has been a benefit for Saunders who is taking advantage of his reps. Its not looking as bleek as it did 3 weeks ago so that is a good thing.
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