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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Yeah the idea that Frank Clark was aided by superstars around him is a false narrative. As far as sacks go, we can't stop the run so teams aren't passing as much. Last year I think our guys had a ton of opportunities playing with a huge lead to tee off. It would be the same if our Offense could pull their head out and also get healthy. We will then be talking about this porous pass defense.
  2. Yeah I agree. Tyrann the savy vet and Juan the young super freakish athlete.
  3. I can’t remember being this optimistic about a team since I was a teenager watching Joe Montana, so my expectations were higher than normal. These last three games are a gut check to those expectations. Hard to see it getting turned around enough on D either.
  4. Just saw he was release by the Eagles. Don’t know much about him but he’s a lb and he’s breathing and walking on two legs.....should be enough to kick the tires, right?
  5. Hey I’m trying to dig myself out of this abyss lol. I’m looking for any shred of hope. Well at least we have Mahomes and it could be worse....Rams, Eagles, and Browns.
  6. I’d love to see Allegretti see some reps at C, Reuter has to be upgraded or replaced. I had high hopes for him but sadly he isn’t an answer.
  7. Ward looked like he played a good game against a good wr group. If he can continue to develop and become an above avg CB then that helps tremendously next year. Also by stoke piling OL maybe we found a long term option at LG in Rankin or at least someone that will make Erving expendable. I wish we could have gotten a better look at Allegretti during this horrendous run but maybe we have some guys developing that can fill this holes and allow us to pour most of our picks into the D. Pringle, Hardman and thornhill are already playing decent football and should only get better. Any other positives to pull out of this steaming pile of crap these last two games?
  8. Bro this is just football. Schemes issues are guys missing assignments which we have but when we can’t bring guys down that are wrapped up at the LOS that is lack of talent and failure to properly evaluate talent. Being realistic is realizing that Veach has married us to a core of JAGs and unless we find 3 studs in this draft we could be worse next year. I don’t have rose colored classes on I am wide eyed and nauseous. Every piece that Veach has put in place as a cornerstone is underperforming and most we are stuck with through next year. Hope you are right though.
  9. Getting Fisher and Watkins back and hopefully finding an upgrade for at least LG with Rankin or Wis. The O will be fine. The D can't be fixed without some help imo. Maybe Ragland can help with the run D but the moment we over commit we will get shredded on the back end. With that said I'd rather get shredded there than in the run. At this point I don't want to give up a 1st round pick for someone because we could use that pick to trade back and get 2 pieces for this puzzle. I do think we could swing Robinson for a DT or LB though which is what we need more than a shutdown cb at this moment.
  10. I remember years back we lost a couple games when Andy went brain dead and forgot how valuable JC was. It might have been the 1-5 year. But when he got back to being balanced we started winning. He is such a great mind that if he can stay balanced we dominate, but he gets so excited about trying to push the limits that we get away from what works. You don't have to hand the ball off 30 times a game but you can design short passes to the backs, screens, sweeps etc. I am confident they will get it figured out, and hopefully by Thursday.
  11. I don't think Andy is going anywhere. However I could totally see Clark getting rid of Veach and even Spags and taking control away from Reid. I think Clark got drunk on the Kool-Aid as well this offseason and for good reason. Can you imagine how pissed he is after the last 3 games.
  12. Clark isn't he problem. Nnadi, Hitchens, Nieman, Lee, and Wilson are. Gotta have a stout run cloggind DT or a gap shooting disruptor. Nnadi is a slow plodding DT that can't hold the point of attack or keep Olineman off lbs. Our LB's............well they just suck. I saw one of our linebackers on a goalline play get to the goal line.........get to the goalline after the running back did. I mean how does that even happen? I could see getting pushed back but he didn't even get there in time.
  13. We need some attitude. Clark and HB have it the rest are pansies. Go get N. Suh. That dude is mean has HE double L. Nnadi is a backup at best.
  14. At this point I'm looking for any sliver of a silver lining. I hope one of Veach's moves works out because he's starting to remind me of Dayton Moore. Would love to see Fisher, Rankin, Wis, LDT, Schwartz down the stretch.
  15. I still think getting a upgrade over Nnadi and a LB at the deadline could help us a ton. Nnadi is terrible and so are our linebackers. I'm sorry but I know there are older vet lbs that we could have brought in to kick the tires could play better than this. I'm also tired of keeping those spots saved for Toubs band of merry douche bags. ST sucks...you don't get to save those spots for your guys. For me this game is so frustrating because it killed any hope of this current roster taking strides forward on the defensive side of the ball and equally as disapointing is the fact there is no legit answer in sight. We cant' fix that train wreck in the offseason and we still need to address LG, C, TE2, RB and possibly WR when Watkins and Robinson are gone. Thats what screwing up drafts in 2018 and 2019 will do for your club. The answers aren't on the team only problems. How can we fill 2 DBs, 3 LBs, 2 DTs, LG, C, TE2, RB and WR in one offseason and hope to be better while shrinking our cap space by probably 40 million. Can we win a SB with Mahomes......of course.....but we wasted 2 great years because of inept decisions from our Gm and HC.
  16. I don't know this system was suppose to be simpler and easier. But guys still look lost out there. To be honest though there isn't enough talent. Veach gambled on Nnadi, Hitchens, Ragland, Lee, Okafor, Clark, HB, Saunders, Claiborne, Breeland, and Ward. Out of that group who is playing good.....Clark, HB, Breeland in stretches. You need a stud DT and a couple good Lbs in this D to stop the run we got Nnadi or should i say Nada. It really is that basic. We gambled with a 2nd year player and its back firing. We gambled with avg lbs from other teams and its back firing. We wasted 2 early picks on DL projects that aren't helping at all against the run and we have a bunch of 1 year make it deals with our db's. I'm trying to see the upside here but we have no young up and coming players outside of Juan Thornhill and Chris Jones. We've invested a lot of picks and money and its really bad and not going to get much better next year unless Saunders and Speaks are the next coming of Neil Smith and Dontari Poe. Seriously we have 1 - 1st, 4 -2nds, 2 -3rds, and a couple 4ths spent on the front 7 alone........ Thats 9 picks and only 2 guys really worth a crap in Clark and Jones. 9 picks. That is negligent and irresponsible. Sutton should have been fired years ago which would have helped because i'm sure the concensus was these guys can play in a different scheme but the reality is they suck. Had we found out about this a year earlier this would have happened last year and we could have corrected things this year. But again we are a year late and a dollar short. Gonna be hard to fix what ails this team before Mahomes gets his huge contract. .......because Chiefs.
  17. They got the ball within the 10. Had we been on the 40 they had 30 seconds to go 30 yards. It wouldn't have been a walk in. But if our Oline does it jobs we don't fumble that either.
  18. He seems to be the only defensive player pissed at how badly the D is playing. I like that fire and he's playing well. Maybe not elite but thats gotta be hard out there directing traffic with avg at best DB's and Pop Warner LB's in front of him.
  19. I hope that’s the case. It doesn’t take a genius to see our drafts have been garbage and high priced FAs aren’t helping. Spags will get another year but I’m sure Clark H won’t be happy when we can’t resign Chris Jones because of Frank Clark withou fielding a worse defense than this year. He fired Dorsey for less imo (JC).
  20. Won’t ever happen as long as Andy is coach. I agree though that it takes more. I’m afraid Clark will settle like the Dolphins did for year in and year out of playoff appearances with no SB and waste an amazing career.
  21. Frank Clark is Tamba Hali 2.0. Hard worker, great attitude and good football player. Not the same without Allen and Houston though. We have 4 run stuffing slow and methodical DEs. Easily stopped in todays NFL
  22. They are professional football players. When do they forget to tackle. And some of those guys weren’t all that great before we overpaid them. Not all on Veach because Dorsey did it too. Sorensen’s, Berry, Tyrann, Hitchens, Houston etc. We expected to much from Nnadi and he’s failing. That position is critical to run D and he’s not good. Hitchens was signed to be a stud at 9 mpy and he’s a dud. Wilson, Lee and Ragland were bad before and Veach though we could coach them up. See a pattern here? We aren’t drafting good football players we are drafting projects and taking huge risks on FAs who haven’t shown us completely that they are able to keep ascending. Veach is a riverboat gambler and he’s gambled away our last two years with a Mahomes on a rookie contract. We got Frank Clark who is a good football player but we could have had Trey Flowers and a first round and 2nd round player on this roster instead. We would have been better with the later. I don’t know, it’s exhausting being a Chiefs fan. 2 steps forward and 3 steps back it feels like.
  23. No I don’t think you fire Andy Reid but you can take some control back especially if this year ends like last year. And I’m not so sure Veach doesn’t get fired for it, of course that’s assuming this year ends with the D being worse. Lots of picks money and decisions were made to made this D serviceable and it’s worse. That’s a fireable offense. He’s already married us to Frank, Tryann, and Hitchems for a couple years which is crippling. IMO he has overpaid every player on this roster with the exception of Hill but that’s only because of Hills offseason. His drafts have been worse, which says a lot. And then there is Spags. I had high hopes but so far Veach has made some monumental blunders that are going to cost us this year and next more than likely. I’m beyond ready for a fire breathing aggressive DC that believes in accountability.
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