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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I don’t mind them being aggressive there. With Mahomes you can get points but when he is hobbled you gotta call something that protects him. The whole line dissolved under pressure and two of our Oline man couldn’t come up with the ball. Gosh we are soft! We bought all the hype and are getting exposed. Will be interested if we can turn it around on Thurs night
  2. Hard to score a lot of points when you only get the ball 3 times after half. Sure our two possession we went 3 and out sucked but refs screwed us on one and Andy morning the other. Another possession they screwed us on was the int. I’m waiting for the all 22. He was held long before Mahomes threw it I think.
  3. Yeah that’s two games in a row where Reid goes full on idiot and runs on 2nd and long in key moments. That DAT drop was a killer. Has anyone else noticed that Mahomes hasn’t gone to ROBINSON as much either. Seems he trusts Hill, Kelce and Pringle more. Offense will be better when Fisher gets back and I fully expect Wis to take Wylie’s or Reuters spot by years end.
  4. Clark Hunt needs to be married to one other person other than his wife and that’s Pat Mahomes II. You can’t waste this kids career away on some bad GM and coaching decisions.
  5. Your telling me Brandon Marshall and Mason Foster are worse than this rag tag group we having playing lbs? Oh that’s right we can’t turn over any of Dave Toubs turds at then bottom of the roster. Looking at you DAT
  6. I don't know if Andy will ever do that but Mahomes is going to have to be that voice in Andy's ear. Maybe this is a growing process for Mahomes. We win this game if we execute short passes, screens and running the ball with an occasional deep ball. Andy went away from what was working and it cost us the game, Mahomes needs to communicate to Andy that those long developing plays aren't working during the game.
  7. I feel the same way Warpaint. I haven't been this disapointed and upset about a Chiefs since the Titans loss. What worries me is that Veach hasn't done the best at drafting or with FA contracts. We are stuck with most of these guys and don't have the draft ammo to fix it this offseason. Andy still being Andy and calling a great quarter followed by 3 atrocious ones. One bad game I can understand but we are going on 3 games in a row of making careless errors, a ton of penalties, horrid play calling and a D that couldn't stop a running attack if there were just 5 lineman a rb and qb on O. We look confused, out of place and super slow at diagnosing a play and getting to the ball carrier. We have the best qb in the world on our team and I don't have any more hope than when we had Alex Smith.
  8. Ill disagree. They haven't been tested because we are allowing 6 ypc to avg running backs. And they had a ton of penalties that kept the D on the field today.
  9. This for the win! I think its hard for most of us because we finally have our QBOTF and he's awesome so the expectations are just insane. Its been hard watching these last 3 games. Partly because its more than just a loss its this pit deep down inside that we all don't want to admit but know without a doubt that this season is probably wasted because our defense is once again atrocious and no matter how good our O is Andy will get too cute one too many times in a game and we will lose a heartbreaker in the playoffs (if we even get there this year with this D and all our injuries). But you are right. I remember the Colts quite a few years back who had one of the worst D's in the L catch fire in the playoffs and win it all. We can always hope....
  10. Either way, he can't be worse than Erving or Wylie or Reiter. Get him on the field asap please lol.
  11. Maybe not but we'd be blitzing the hell out of it. But I mean who wouldn't want to run a vanilla scheme and be on the field for about 40 minutes a game. Whats said is we got a couple of turnovers in the redzone otherwise this game would have been a blow out.
  12. I keep asking about Rankin? Is there a possibility that Wisniewski could step in at OC? Fisher, Rankin, Wisniewski, LDT, Schwartz? Im tired of seeing Reiter and Erving in Mahomes lap on every play.
  13. I love Chris Jones and I think he is elite but our D isn't going anywhere with him. I don't know. To be honest it feels like Veach has backed us into a horrible corner that is going to cost us 2-3 years of Mahomes in his prime.
  14. That play designed for DAT was super costly. I honestly don't know why the guy is on the team. He isn't a great returner and is a liability to fumble every time he touches it. That was a perfect pass and he couldn't catch it.
  15. You know this game started off about as well as we could have imagined. Right before half is what killed us. Mahomes int wiped points off the board and then we stop them only to give it back right before half and they score. Had we eliminated careless errors we would have been in a position that the Texans would have had to abandon the run but because Andy got all cute with his play calling we gifted the Texans points. Defense definitely sucks but as a world class unit the O needs to get their crap together.
  16. At this point I'd be bring in guys off the street trying to find someone who wants to stop the run. Churn the bottom of the roster and get rid of all of Toub's guys. Our ST sucks anyways.
  17. How did Rankin look today? I didn't notice any penalties by him but again we only had 3 possessions 2nd half so not much of a chance. Any chane he could be part of the solution at LG down the stretch?
  18. Why did we have Blake Bell in the game on a 3rd and 14? And why did we run the ball on 2nd and14? They didn't have their top corners in the game and we couldn't have figured out a way to exploit that within 10 yards of the LOS? Mahomes looked great to start the game when his ankle wasn't banged up but the moment it got banged up Reid should have down shifted instead he cost us two precious possessions by trying to go deep. Gotta learn that as long as our D is this bad we have to treat every possession like its gold and being risky like last year isn't going to cut it.
  19. He's getting mugged and our offense is trying to do something we can only do with a healthy Mahomes and Fisher in and even then its dicey. Our first possession of the 2nd half is what we need to go back too. Alex Smith esque and swallow our pride and learn from this. He tripped or he would have had a nice TD right before the Hill TD. I don't think he's done though.
  20. He only had 3 possessions. The Texans controlled the entire 2nd half. Should have been worse but we got lucky with some pick offs deep in their territory. I'm afraid its not gotten as bad as it will. Just wait until Green Bay gets a hold of this D.
  21. Starting to look like it. And if that contract wasn't bad enough the draft compensation kept 2 good players from helping out this squad. Crippling.
  22. We had 3 possessions in the 2nd half. 3! One was stopped because of a horrid officiating crew and the other because of horrid play calling (the last one). If the D can't stop anyone then they should be dialing up every blitz known to man kind.
  23. This is the thing that makes me the maddest. Having to listen to that crap. Just once I wish a reporter had the balls to call that crap out.
  24. Its pathetic that we at least don't get ultra aggressive. If they score faster we have more possessions but I'm willing to bet we'd get an extra stop during the game.
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