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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. To be fair it was PI and we should have gotten it back as well as kept that drive alive. But I can't blame Andy for challenging it.
  2. Dude hasn't sniffed the QB. Our D is so vanilla and pathetic. What is sad is we are stuck with this core for the next couple years. I don't know why we don't blitz every down. If they score so be it but we don't let them eat up all the clock in the game.
  3. We go down the field on short passes and good play calls. He comes back with a stupid play to DAT and a bomb and then we have to punt. Get the ball back and Cam Erving holds and then we run the ball on 2nd and 14 on a game saving must have drive. Then because Mahomes can't plant and throw and our Oline can't block for any deep enough passing route we have to punt. Our D can't stop anything so instead of being ultra aggressive we sit back and let them smash us to death. Our Coaches aren't helping this team and our talent on D is pathetic.
  4. Cam Erving......2nd down play call........GG folks.
  5. Can I script this for everyone. We run down and score a TD with 2-3 minutes left and then have to sit through a brutal final drive for a FG win for the Texans. What I wouldn't give for a fired up DC who rips into this pathetic play. One thing Todd Haley said that rings true for this D is we could literally find 22 guys on the street and do better. Tackling, gap assignments, and coverage assignments should be known by this point in the season. We can't cover, tackle, blitz, anything. We need luck or some help from the refs to even stop an offense.
  6. We have him stopped and no one, I mean no one comes to finish the play. This D is worse.
  7. Why don't we blitz. I mean our LB's can't cover a lineman.
  8. We have 3 guys near a slow TE and they still get 7 yards after the catch. I just wish we had a coach that was pissed off and showed it.
  9. Can we run blitz or just blitz in general....oh wait we have and get stuck at the LOS.
  10. We knew what the play was going to be and still couldn't stop it. 15 yards and we overlaoded the right side. OMG thats terrible.
  11. Sith I totally agree. We go away from what works because its not as flashy. I don't mind keeping D's honest with an occasion bomb while our QB is limited but we just marched down the field with the short stuff and ate up time and gave our D a break and most importantly scored a TD!
  12. With how this challenge has gone so far this year, I'm not holding my breath for a reversal. I still think you gotta challenge it though as its obvious pass interference and we don't need to lose the momentum.
  13. Then why are we throwing those? Its clear he can't plant and launch the deep balls but we don't need too. If we keep turds like DAT off the field. That play would have been an easy first down if he just catches the ball.
  14. Making Carlos Hyde look like Walter Payton..........
  15. And we marched down the field with easy for an easy TD. I'm no genius but why are we going away from this? I know those bombs are eye candy but until anyone can stop drives like we just did why are do we go away from it. I can see dropping a bomb in every now and again but lets keep Mahomes up right, chew up some time, help our D and win some games.
  16. Way better play calling! Shocking how that works. Don't over think this half Andy. Great job D and big time drive on the O! Lets go Chiefs!
  17. In fairness, the Texans are running quick routes and the ball is out before anyone could get home. On that run they rushed 3. Where is the lb? Good stop by the D. Gives us a chance to get back in this game.
  18. Wow we got a stop! Good job D! Lets go O. We need a TD here!
  19. They have a healthy O and they are doing what we should be doing.
  20. Our LB's have no idea what they are doing out there.
  21. I can totally see opening it up after the first quarter but the moment Mahomes gets hobbled and he throws that pick then its time to consider protecting your qb with play calls. Chew ups some clock, protect Mahomes and if done correctly you can keep scoring TDs or FG or at least limit their O and protect our D. Instead we drop him back for long developing plays that our Oline can't protect and make Mahomes throw passes that he can't step into. Its maddening. It is literally like Reid calls the most damaging plays to our entire team.
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