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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. We could drop 3 in a row. Our O has looked out of sync for 3 weeks now and our D has gotten worse. I understand that Chris Jones is out but our LB corp is the worst in the L. If we just make basic tackles we get off the field twice in the first half without them scoring. That int saved our chance for the game and then our O goes and gives it right back. If they march down and score on this first drive then I don't think our O can keep up.......
  2. I understand that, but he wasn't hobbled all of last year. You have to know your capabilities and sometimes forcing throws while injured isn't wise. You can't hold onto the ball with our Oline forever trying to make something happen. That int he threw was a terrible pass. He then follows it up by almost doing it twice in the next drive. This all happened after he got hit on the ankle again. Sometimes you gotta throw it away or at least get rid of it.
  3. He scripts the first however many plays and kills it. And then we got back to deep and intermediate passes with no screen passes or runs which gets Mahomes banged up and then he continues to call those plays.
  4. The serious before he almost had 2 ints and its also the qb's responsibility to get rid of the ball. He's holding onto it for way to long and trying to make stuff happen.
  5. Play calling has been atrocious after the first quarter and that is on Mahomes. Dude needs to stop forcing things.
  6. Twice in a row. Don't forget after half as well.
  7. Wow what a turn of events. Come on Andy! You go back to intermediate and deep passes when the short stuff was working.....and you know Mahomes is hobbled. Its like he goes full on stupid sometimes during a game.
  8. Roby's grabbing his arm before the ball arrives.
  9. Is Juan Thornhill our only bright up and coming player on D outside of Chris Jones? Hitchens isn't any better than Wilson and we are stuck with him another year. Nnadi has regressed, Speaks is an unknown, Kpass is making progress but hardly a cornerstone player. Clark is a good player but he is getting paid a lot. I had high hopes for this D to become avg but Veach threw a lot of money and picks at that side of the ball and the results are bad and its crippled us for a couple years because they haven't panned out. Can't expect rookies in 2020 to save our D next year even if we could find 3 quality starters in the draft. Hope things get figured out but I'm losing hope with each passing game. Lets go Chiefs!
  10. Our middle linebacker doesn't even get to the goal line before Hyde does? Seriously is it that hard to diagnos a run play?
  11. Why do we even have lb's on the field. They can't cover, tackle or attack the line of scrimmage. Sheesh its embarrassing.
  12. Guys our LB's absolutely suck. LB is our biggest need at this point. sheesh.
  13. I'm not sure he let go of that before the penalty, hopefully there is a good view of it and we can challenge that call.
  14. All the announcers are giddy when Mahomes messes up.
  15. Looks like he was holding way before he threw it
  16. What is our RB doing on that play? He just let a free hit on Mahomes
  17. Gonna need a beastly DT ( Nnadi isn’t cutting it) and a good ilb for starters. Well actually 3 lbs to be honest.
  18. Looks like we got things figured out and are clicking on O. How has the D looked? Seems solid so far! Let’s go Chiefs!
  19. I’m not home yet. Who is starting at LT and LG and are they getting constant pressure?
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