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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. The Charger D isnt' great and I don't think Hardman is some elite player but he really helps this O and I think as he gets integrated back into the O it is really going to help the entire unit. This offseason a #1 wr to pair with Rice and an aging Kelce is a must though.
  2. Love it. Absolutely love watching this D. We get pressure, we got good lbs, our secondary is stout. So much fun to watch.
  3. At this point the refs aren't calling holding because our guys are getting bear hugged every play. I'm proud of this D. In the past we get lit up by elite qb talent this year we are buckling down and playing the way top tier D's are expected to play.
  4. Well done O. Finally put this game away. Set up by Prodigal Hardman! Ugly 3rd but found a way to put this away. D looks pretty great! Hope they can pick off Herbert to end this or get a strip sack.
  5. That was technically a hold but that did not impact the play at all. Still. The offensive game plan this half has sucked. Romo pointing out openings on the D because of Kelce getting doubled and we aren't even attempting to exploit it. Only thing I can think of is they are trying to milk this win knowing we will see them again.
  6. Yeah went back and rewatch. He migth not have gotten any yards.
  7. And again the D bailing out the O this year. Well done D!
  8. Play calling sucked as well. Not sure how CEH got in on the most important possession of the game where a FG probably seals the game but in typical Andy Reid fashion we call two plays for him and then go deep on 3rd and short. How do we go from juggernaut in the first to Herm Edwards in the 2nd.
  9. CEH.......sheesh. I cannot wait for that atrocious decision to be off this team.
  10. Crazy a dumb fumble by our 3rd down TE and our O reverts back to run run pass punt. O has to muster a scoring drive here and put this game away.
  11. That is a weak PI call. Palmer pushed off worse than Ross.
  12. This team just can't put a team away. Sheesh Bell. Hold onto the ball.
  13. Could be a special year this year if our O can find their groove.
  14. The O has definitely come to play. Mahomes trying to put himself firmly in the MVP lead with 321 at half and 3 Tds. He needs a 500/6 game to get him back on track lol. D outside of a couple plays hasn't looked back. Looks like Spags has gone vanilla a couple time on 3rd and long. Maybe holding some cards for the rematch? Hope we come out and score again and then stop them and try and put this away as early as possible.
  15. Half of those guys are the type we already have on this team. Also, I'm done with taking NYG wr's. The two we have haven't exactly done much this year except help us lose our only game. No division team is trading with us so thats a third of the list. Doubt Caroline trades Youngs safety blanket but Thielen is the guy that makes a lot of sense for us.
  16. Read some article saying that across the NLF that offenses are playing poorly, like the work overall production in the last 20 years (Maybe it was 10 years I forget). I do agree though. He hasn't looked great. I think you can make excuses for both sides of this as well. Drops, new guys etc vs guys are open and he isn't hitting them, pressing etc. My guess its a little of both. He is such a competitor that I think a few of his dumb ints are him saying F it and tossing it up. We know he hates the way defenses are forcing him to dink and dunk and then couple that with new tackles and poor wr play and a qb who is pressing and that is a recipe for some dumb mistakes. I trust Veach and so far this season it seems he has fixed our D or at least turned them into a competent unit which is in essence fixing the D. This D has the opportunity to be really good to so that is a bonus. In doing so I think they leaned in on their young wr's and trusted they would take the necessary steps in development instead of seeking FA options. Throw in CJ's holding our cap hostage situation that definitely didn't help. In hindsight it was a mistake. MVS has been a waste, Moore has been terribly underwhelming, Toney has been non existent, and our best wr was a guy that I'm sure we signed to round out our roster and for depth. Rice is the lone bright spot and he is a rookie. Throw in some horrible drops, atrocious playcalling, and then a frustrated Mahomes and its not hard to see why his numbers are down. Then throw in that bull crap Tayor witch hunt. Feels like its a lot of things that have frustrated the O and got them out of sync. Some self inflicted for sure and some of those are Mahomes mistakes, but I think they will start figuring it out and get it turned around. I sure hope they do, this year looks like a great opportunity with our D playing better and some key injuries to some contending teams. Dang, sorry for the novel boys!
  17. Our wr's are necessarily slow but none of them play fast. Hardman should help. I'm cautiously optimistic that he will actually make a really big difference. Just a gut feeling so maybe that is just yesterdays tacos but hope I'm right.
  18. Happy Birthday Luv.....I'll be joining you in April. They weren't lying when they said the older you get time starts to fly.
  19. IMO this is a typical sign a guy for intel purposes for and upcoming game. The Broncos are so bad though, maybe its to upgrade depth. 🤷‍♂️
  20. We listened to them all offseason. The truth is Andy Reid's system is hard to learn and its more than just the vast playbook. Each play has multiple deviations based on the defense being played. If you aren't a student of the game and you read the defense wrong then you are running the wrong route. A lot of thinking involved which some players are gifted at and others not so much. Also with how Mahomes shares the ball, not sure many diva wr's are all that interested in coming here. Sure some on losing teams want to be apart of a winning team but for every Dru Tranquil type player there are far more just interested in getting theirs and getting that bag. Need to get thie scouting department and wr coach on the same page like the dbs and start drafting better and developing better. Maybe Rice is the beginning of that.
  21. I mean why would his parents do that to him......I don't care if its a family name or not that is an adolescence from hell just waiting for the newborn.
  22. I'd have gone with DM-ex. Maybe thats worse though because I'm completely sober.
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